“(Educators) should stick to the facts,” she said.

Government sanctioned child abuse.

PRIMARY school children are being terrified by lessons claiming climate change will bring “death, injury and destruction” to the world unless they take action.

On the eve of Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s carbon tax package announcement, psychologists and scientists said the lessons were alarmist, created unneeded anxiety among school children and endangered their mental health.

Climate change as a “Doomsday scenario” is being taught in classrooms across Australia.

Resource material produced by the Gillard government for primary school teachers and students states climate change will cause “devastating disasters”.

Australian National University’s Centre for the Public Awareness of Science director Dr Sue Stocklmayer said climate change had been portrayed as “Doomsday scenarios with no way out”.

Dr Stocklmayer said she was not a climate-change sceptic but worried that “too much time was spent presenting scary scenarios, especially to young people”.

“(Children) feel incredibly despondent and helpless in the face of all this negative information,” she said. “To put all of this before our children … is one of the most appalling things we can do to (them).

Child psychologist Kimberley O’Brien also said the language of climate change should be “toned down”.

“(Educators) should stick to the facts,” she said.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to “(Educators) should stick to the facts,” she said.

  1. dp says:

    The term for this is indoctrination. It is evil, of course. I have a feeling that if Julia were to have been around during the LIA she may have been burned at the stake for her antisocial actions. I think the best modern Oz is capable of is a simple tattoo on her forehead, should they see the light at all, and nothing suggests they do. All of the country can’t be that stupid, but obviously enough of it is that Julia finds work in public service like this. Not like we can talk – we empowered Barry to come up with cash for clunkers – the best thing that’s happened to the foreign auto industry in modern times. And that’s not all he’s done.

  2. Dave N says:

    They sure don’t present all valid material so that students know the full story, and can make up their own minds. Apparently peer-reviewed science that is contrary to their dogma somehow isn’t “valid”.. and yet somehow notions of both evolution and creationism that can contradict each other are perfectly ok.

    The result is: if you want a proper education (at least in Australia), don’t go to school.

  3. Andy WeissDC says:

    Even if we assume that global warming is a problem, there is very little Australia can do about it because they are so small in the greater scheme of things. It makes no sense to make Australian school children paranoid (and also ruin the Australian economy) when there is so little that Australia can do about the situation one way or another.

  4. Traitor in Chief says:

    It’s not ok to merely regain control. The Eco zealots should be punished for what they’ve attempted to do.

    They’re as evil and dangerous as the Nazis and we should quit pretending otherwise.

  5. Gator says:

    Terrorists will use any ploy to get their way, the ends justifies the means. The Taliban straps bombs to their children, and alarmists strap our children with a lifetime of crippling taxes, stifling regulations and unwarranted fear.

  6. higley7 says:

    It takes sick people with no conscience to go after children. Sociopaths behave this way. They are a blight on society and, in this case, should be removed from office immediately.

    • rw says:

      If only your description were true … These are earnest souls carrying out what they see as a personal mission to help save the world. LOL – it’s worse than you thought!

      Isabel Patterson got it right when she said that the greatest damage is done by people trying to do good.

      If it’s any consolation, some day we’ll be able to repeat Mae West’s immortal line: “Don’t worry, honey, you did your best.” Over and over.

  7. RVDL says:

    Are there no parent evenings so you can have a talk with the teacher. Mayby there are more parents thinking like us so we can provide the teacher with the correct data. If that does not work, it is the duty of a parent to explain her/his kid why you think the teacher does not explain the full story and tell him or her what you think of it. We still have the ‘free’ internet , show them the data. I did it with my kid.
    He is 19 years old and is not a believer. He knows the data. If I can do it we all can.

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