Last week
10 October 2012
Confirmation of one of the worst global harvests in years will come on Thursday
UN warns of rising food costs after year’s extreme weather | Environment | The Guardian
This week
15 October 2012
World grain production last year was the highest on record; this year’s crop is just 2.6% smaller
Perhaps you’d care to tackle the American Scientist – which seems to be becoming an oxymoron as a title for it – on their latest headline article “97% of the Greenland Ice Sheet melted during the summer.” I’m thinking of cancelling my subscription if they keep this up.
I’ve been reading popular science mags since I was 12 and if dig up old issues and go over what the claims were at the time and what subsequently happened or didn’t happen, they have almost a 100% perfect track record on being wrong on every prediction. Read those sorts of mags for entertainment, not knowledge.
Yet still they’ll continue to churn out the dire predictions without pause.
It’s like they’re trying to produce a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, you know… a self-fulfilling prophecy. Probably just to Seem important? (there’s an Invocation for you Steven).
Although!! There are loonies hired by every news paper, and the Gruniad packs more than it’s fair share, in general most people don’t believe everything they read.
Alarmists have predicted mass famine for at least 40 years. One can only cry wolf so many times.
According to the USDA, the average corn yield for the US will be 122 bu/ac in 2012. Before 1940, it never exceeded 24 bu/ac. Quite the drought in 2012. Maybe if we stopped burning food in our cars and started eating it, mass famine would truly be a thing of the past.
Great chart linked below. AncestorsKeepingRecords defeats ChickenLittle every time…