Major Frankenstorm Hazel in October, 1954 brought 98 MPH winds to Washington DC – the highest ever recorded. A cold front collided with a major hurricane. No one was stupid enough in 1954 to blame the storm on CO2.
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I just looked at the weather channel website and the insist that nothing like this has ever happened before. Just goes to show that history begins the day you were born. Before that nothing happened.
Ah but you see, this is a once in a thousand year event. Hazel was the natural one therefore Sandy is man made, And anyway, how dare you use real data and actual records to prove your point. Don’t you know that only computer models tell the truth? 😉
I just saw a “Barrie” blame CO2, and the hottest yeeuh ehvuh!
Lib’rul media’s doin’ a HOR’ble job keepin’ their marionette on stage. They like what he says, ordinary people can’t stomach it, and they just have no explanation why!
In the nerdy 50s, flirting with exotic psychoactive plants in South America was high adventure, best handled by billionaire Wasson of JPMorgan. Today, flirting with reason is treason, evidently, and grounds for hate speech, not admiration. So much for folk heroes? The Paul Ryan landslide of 2012 really is the Halloween version of the Singularity all the fossil hippies so much hoped for, global warming included. As they knash their teeth and lash out raw and red, our little blue ball becomes high carbon green. Best to ignore them now, and their resumes, for they proudly failed the biggest test of all.
But TWC says that this setup has been increasing in the last few years. ‘We will leave you to your own conclusions as to why’. lol Meteorologists also study climatic history, one would think.
Johnny Depp lookalike says HAARP is steering this into NE. (i don’t subscribe to this theory)
Don’t forget that Sandy is still a category 1 hurricane. Hazel made landfall as a category 4. How can people say that Sandy is unprecedented?
Looking at the buoy data, I can’t find anything close to their wind speed. Closest buoy is at 33 kts sustained. Along the Carolina coast, one buoy is reading 40.8 kts Water temps in the area are below 80 degrees. Around 78 F.
From the water vapor loop and satellite loop, I see the east side (gone), dry air on East side. The former East side of Sandy getting sheared and caught up by another L Pressure. The West side of Sandy is now appearing to feed into the advancing front. Producing some more precip with the additional moisture. I don’t see this “Hurricane” developing anymore. The pressure is slightly up and I’m assuming since the Western buoy pressures are rising, Sandy will break apart.
Any thoughts?
It does not appear to be breaking up from the latest NOAA reports, but it does not appear to be gaining any strength either. The chance is there that it can stregthen as the strong upper level divergence is fueling the flames and if the sheer decreases it could become a little stronger, but its out of time to gain much strength as a tropical-type storm. The 11PM flight also had the same conclusions as the data from the sky is showing the storm at the same level.
The cold front that its running into is going to basically strip the tropical characteristics out of the storm. Instead of gaining fuel as normal from >80 temps. in the water (etc), it will gain fuel from the temperature differences (so it will become a cold-core storm in other words.)
I don’t see this breaking up, but the forecast track and the actual strength when it lands is going to be really hard to predict. I would hazzard to guess that it lands with TS strength winds over a very very large area and hurricane force over a very small area. Like most of the “monster” storms of this season, the largest damage is going to be due to flooding and with this one snow.
Its a similar case to “the perfect storm” (and Hazel for that matter) in that two storms combine…so the models don’t know what will happen exactly. I expect the consensus is probably close with a category 1 very possible on land-fall, but as the topic in this post tells us, this is nothing unprecedented nor is it going to be worse then that from what I can tell. Hope that helps.
Thank you for your thoughts!
A highly unusual aspect of Sandy is the sharp left turn it is supposed to make. The closest analog was Agnes in 1972 that made a left turn around NYC. While Agnes produced catastrophic flooding from Virginia to New York, wind damage was negligible.
Much like Irene from last year, Sandy’s central pressure is quite low. Similar to Irene, the windfield is very spread out. While there are probably going to be widespread 50-65 mph winds in gusts over a large area, it appears doubtful that any land station will have anything close to sustained hurricane force winds.
Another highly unusual aspect of Sandy is the possiblity of heavy, wet snow in places. As we saw from last year, a lot of tree and powerline damage could result from any appreciable snow.
Joe Romm & Climate Progress apparently don’t like history lessons.
“As the East Coast braces for a possible direct hit from Hurricane Sandy, meteorologists are closely watching the storm’s “freak” formation. They’re calling it “unprecedented and bizarre,”
I posted this comment last night (Aust time):
– without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event.
October 5th – 18th, 1954. Hurricane Hazel (Wiki – Hurricane Hazel)
Almost identical. Alantic hurricane consolidated with a cold front.
Also a full moon.
Only difference between Sandy and Hazel? – Hazel was a Cat 4 storm!
Also, there have been 51 OCTOBER hurricanes making landfall in the USA between 1852 – 2005.
AGW proponents were never any good at HISTORY! They tend to ‘hide’ it or make it go away completely.
My question. Did Climate Change Help Create ‘Frankenstorm’ Hazel in 1954?
Question was still in moderation this-morning – until about 1/2 an hour ago.
Deleted, vanished – no reply as to why.
I guess it was an inconvenient truth. They can’t handle the truth.
Hazel still haunts people on the NC coast, nearly 60 years later. The full-moon high tide combination is, well, not good.
MGinNC thank you so much for that story. Keep safe.