Obama Unveils His Green Energy Plan – Peas


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama Unveils His Green Energy Plan – Peas

  1. Couldn’t finish watching the video. Sorry.

    Just 3 months left of this mistake.

    • Eric Barnes says:

      Yep. I don’t want to consider another 4 years of this man at the helm.

      His election was so odd. Every event seemed more like a HS pep rally than a political event. The democratic party is such a mess, and the republicans only look good by comparison with the democrats. Hopefully Romney can bring just a touch of sanity back to the federal government, because it’s completely out of control now.

    • nigelf says:

      And the two months from the election to Romneys inauguration will be the two months where the most damage to the country is done. This piece of shit will be determined to make America “pay” for not re-electing him.

  2. savebyj says:

    I’m crying right now………

  3. The News Fly says:

    This Is not Good Thing,why Obama do,Yes pay for not re-electing him,
    Shine Runner Android

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