This Is What 150 Years Of Unprecedented Global Warming Looks Like

ScreenHunter_08 Feb. 01 20.03

sfctmpmer_01a.fnl.30.gif (800×618)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to This Is What 150 Years Of Unprecedented Global Warming Looks Like

  1. suyts says:

    Very scary! If I were a Eco Malthusian Marxist nutjob, I would have already shat myself!

    • Andy OZ says:

      I have shat myself!!
      I’m off to the hardware store today. Need to build myself an ark to survive.
      Just taking beef and lamb with me. The rest of the animals can get stuffed.
      Antarctica here I come. LOL

    • Traitor in Chief says:

      Ah! That might explain the foul odor when those twatwaffles pass by. And here I thought it was for lack of bathing! Cheryl Crow says they can only have one square of TP if they wanna stay in the progtard nutclub. Save the trees!

  2. Pathway says:

    Grand Jct Co just had the fifth coldest January on record. Number one was 1973.

  3. tckev says:

    “Farmers seek compensation as frost damages vegetables – Call for taking preventive measures”

    Nothing too upsetting when you find out that the headline is about FROST.

    Something is wrong when you realize the headline are about farmers in KUWAIT.

  4. Marco says:

    January was 1.1C below the 30 year norm here in The Netherlands. I wonder what the global anomaly for the month will be…

  5. If January 2013 was above average, they would have started trumpeting the heat before the month ended. Then as soon as the clock clicked to midnight on January 31st, they would have release preliminary data showing us burning up. I expect them to take their own sweet time now, they have lots of data that they need to manipulate and change before they can release anything to the public.

  6. Traitor in Chief says:

    I used to ski Alta for $9 as I recall. $75 now. But the season pass isn’t bad if you’re an avid skiier.

  7. Ben says:

    Serious question…
    To the left of Greenland the temps are 15 degrees above normal, but the ice maps show solid ice
    To the right of Greenland the temps are 10-15 degrees below normal, but the ice maps show open water.

    Simple explanation? Warm gulf stream on right? Whats on the left?


  8. Dave N says:

    No wonder we’ve been freezing our asses off here (South Australia) in the middle of summer! At least this week we’re back to something “normal”. Next week: apparently back into the freezer. I’m guessing it’s all that ice missing from Antarctica.

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