Heat Dome Creates Several Metres Of New Ice

ScreenHunter_10 Jun. 17 17.38

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Heat Dome Creates Several Metres Of New Ice

  1. Brian G Valentine says:

    hi i’m suzy golburg duh stupid chump

  2. cosmoscon says:

    The AGW cult is changing their stories about Polar Ice almost monthly now. Yesterday McKibben said Antartic Ice was melting at ‘surprising’ rate. But in March we learned that global warming was INCREASING ice in Antarctica….or something. It’s fun to watch these guys flail.


    • T.O.O says:

      Sea ice is described as an area comprising 15% or more ice within a set sea boundary. That could mean that there is 85% water and the ice could be only inches thick. Sea ice is not land ice which is losing mass at a far greater rate than sea ice mass is expanding. As well, sea ice does not measure melting of ice sheets from below due to warmer ocean currents.

      No flailing going on here.The key thing to remember ist hat the total amount of ice all across the cryosphere is shrinking

      • If the ice is inches thick, it will all melt in a few days.

        Monkeys could also fly out of my ass.

      • Marian says:



        Meanwhile sea ice in the Antarctica isn’t melting like its supposed to be doing because of all the AGW/CC BS.

        Antarctic sea ice has been at record or near record levels. The German Alfred Wegener Institute have sent a scientific team to Antarctica and one of the things they’re study IS WHY the sea ice isn’t melting like its supposed to be because of all the AGW/CC BS says it’s supposed to be melting!!!

        This on top of a new Antarctic study finding ‘shock horror’ the Antarctic ice sheets are melting 70% slower than thought!!!

        • Jimbo says:

          The heat dome was not caused by carbon dioxide or global warming. The Greenland melt happens approximately every 150 years. The last one was in 1889.

          “Taken together, our present results strongly suggest that the main forcing of the extreme GrIS surface melt in July 2012 was atmospheric, linked with changes in the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Greenland Blocking Index (GBI, a high pressure system centred over Greenland) and polar jet stream which favoured southerly warm air advection along the western coast.

  3. Billy Liar says:

    You’d think that ‘Futurity News’ would realize that something that happened nearly a year ago was ‘Past-ity News’.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    The climate alarmists are just a bunch of far left miscreants. Suzie is a prime example.

  5. tckev says:

    During the 1920s and 1930s, there was a dramatic warming of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Warmer-than-normal sea temperatures, reduced sea ice conditions and enhanced Atlantic inflow in northern regions continued through to the 1950s and 1960s, with the timing of the decline to colder temperatures varying with location. Ecosystem changes associated with the warm period included a general northward movement of fish.

    From –
    The regime shift of the 1920s and 1930s in the North Atlantic
    Kenneth F. Drinkwater,
    Institute of Marine Research and Bjerknes Center for Climate Research, P.O. Box 1870 Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen, Norway


    Historical ice observations in the Nordic Seas from April through August are used to construct time series of ice edge position anomalies spanning the period 1750–2002. While analysis showed that interannual variability remained almost constant throughout this period, evidence was found of oscillations in ice cover with periods of about 60 to 80 years and 20 to 30 years, superimposed on a continuous negative trend. The lower frequency oscillations are more prominent in the Greenland Sea, while higher frequency oscillations are dominant in the Barents. The analysis suggests that the recent well-documented retreat of ice cover can partly be attributed to a manifestation of the positive phase of the 60–80 year variability, associated with the warming of the subpolar North Atlantic and the Arctic. The continuous retreat of ice edge position observed since the second half of the 19th century may be a recovery after significant cooling in the study area that occurred as early as the second half of the 18th century.

    Historical variability of sea ice edge position in the Nordic Seas
    Dmitry V. Divine1, Chad Dick – American Geophysical Union.

    Also see the excellent paper –
    Variability of the Intermediate Atlantic Water of the Arctic Ocean over the Last 100 Years
    *International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska
    ?Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
    #Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi.

    From these papers, and many others, it’s obvious that cyclic variation (long, medium, and short term) in Arctic Ice and sea ice is completely normal,not unprecedented, and within normal bounds. Any hysterical outbursts from the egoistical climatologist is just that – hysterical.

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