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Daily Archives: July 28, 2013
Arctic Swimming Hole Gone
Yesterday, our friends were hysterical about a six inch deep pool of water which had accumulated around a buoy 350 km from the pole. They thought that bears were going to drown in it. Fortunately, the life guard drained the … Continue reading
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Northwest Passage Completely Blocked With Ice Now
ictn2013072718_2013080400_035_arcticictn.001.gif (740×666) According to the Navy, the Canadian and Alaskan Beaufort Sea coast is abutted by thick ice. The intrepid rowers of course drove around that part in their truck. Their location is pointed to by the red arrow.
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Thousands Of Terrorists Free Under The Obama Terrorist Release Program
Last week thousands of terrorists escaped from Afghan prisons. This week thousands escaped from Libyan prisons. And now Obama has convinced Israel to release another 104 terrorists. Israeli and Palestinian leaders will resume face-to-face peace talks on Monday in Washington … Continue reading
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A New Strategy
Having fallen flat on their faces with any attempt at sane argument, alarmists have gone completely off the deep end with their desperate forecasts of doom. At this point they are far out of bounds of the IPCC and consensus … Continue reading
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Greenland Hockey Stick Located
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis For a few years in the 1930s and 1940s, the capital of Greenland averaged above freezing, but they have been on a downwards slide ever since.
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Obama Releases His Favorite Video Game
He has been playing it twice a week since he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Life as a US drone operator
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Another Day Of Permanent Drought In Colorado
Cheyenne Radar | Weather Underground Temperature is up to a blistering 62F this afternoon of July 28.
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Understanding NASA/NOAA Temperature Adjustments
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” ? George Orwell, 1984
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Boulder Wants To Eliminate All CO2 Emissions
broker (1201×601) Boulder has experienced no warming for 60 years, and they want to eliminate all CO2 emissions. “Eliminating GHG emissions in Boulder will not alter global climate change. But that’s not the point. Acting responsibly is an ethical position.” … Continue reading
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July 1916 : US Was Hit By Three Hurricanes
Since Obama took office, the US has been hit by three hurricanes, the smallest total for any president. But in 1916, the US was hit by three hurricanes before the end of July, including a major hurricane. Two more hurricanes … Continue reading
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