Stick A Fork In The 2013 Melt Season

The last two days have seen increases in Arctic sea ice area.

ScreenHunter_406 Aug. 26 07.48

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Stick A Fork In The 2013 Melt Season

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    The happy rowers are desperate for that warm shower . . . they are abandoning their shoreline walk & tug for a risky 35km open water transit so they can get to Cambridge Bay soonest.

  2. Brian D says:

    NORSEX has flatlined with even a slight increase in area and extent. JAXA is starting to flatline a little as well in extent. Forecast is for high pressure over the pack for a few days coming up. Will see how that effects extent.

  3. Scott says:

    As I said a few days ago, I’ll be surprised if the area minimum comes before Aug 30. And if there’s an early area min, then extent min will come after it. Several other years have seen days of gain in the last half of Aug. I think we’re close, but yesterday’s gain seems to have just been fewer melt ponds in the Arctic basin being picked up, so we’ll see what happens. I expect the minimum to be right before the small “hole” in the pack freezes up, so as soon as that “hole” freezes up I think it’ll be safe to say that it’s very close or already happened.


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