Daily Archives: September 2, 2013

Rocky Mountain High

DENVER (CBS4) – Health officials are continuing to see people being hospitalized with a bad reaction after taking “Spice.” Police believe a bad batch of Spice is making its way around the Denver metro area and was responsible for sending dozens … Continue reading

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Setting The Moron Trap

I’m re-posting this graph, this time showing the entire 1895-2013 data series, in hopes that the usual group of morons will come and fall into their own trap. Pre-1930 years are under-counted because of fewer stations.

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Someone Remind Me Again

Obama has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition for use by DHS inside the US. Someone remind me again why you need 1.6 billion rounds of ammo to stop 19 guys armed with box cutters, one guy armed … Continue reading

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Obama’s Kinder, Gentler Way To Kill Children

Obama says he objects to the use of chemical weapons as a means to kill children. He prefers the kinder, gentler use of drone strikes and late-term abortions. Is Obama’s drone doctrine counter-productive? – Page 3

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Arctic Screaming Source Located

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer By 2012? Seth Borenstein in Washington Associated Press December 12, 2007 An already relentless melting of the Arctic greatly accelerated this summer—a sign that some scientists worry could mean global warming has passed an … Continue reading

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Arctic Ice Almost Back To 2002 Levels

One of alarmist’s favorite games is saying that we aren’t allowed to look at Arctic ice until September. So it is now safe to look. This year has obliterated the record for year over year ice gain, by a factor … Continue reading

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Mother Nature Laughs At Neven

The Arctic did shatter a record – for ice growth. h/t to Caleb

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US Forest Fires Are At Historic Lows

According to the US Government, the US used to have ten times as much burn acreage as at present. In the conterminous United States during the preindustrial period (1500-  1800), an average of 145 million acres burned annually. Today only … Continue reading

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Climate Alarmists Caught In Their Own Squeeze Play – With No Way Out

The IPCC wants to bury the last 15 years cooling, and instead focus on the long term trend. I’m happy to play that game. Let’s look at the entire hockey stick – going back to 1850. It indicates 0.7C warming … Continue reading

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Labor Day Weekend In Obama’s Home Town

Obama is focused on his drive-by attack of Syria, while his Chicago neighbors are taking care of the local drive-bys. Chicago, IL Crime Map – Showing Crimes in Chicago – Crime Statistics, Alerts and Reports – Crime Stops Here

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