Daily Archives: September 5, 2013

Following Up On Dr. David Viner’s Expert Forecast

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past 20 MARCH 2000 According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become … Continue reading

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You Can’t Run A Business Based On Lies

A company which tried to function based on sales of junk products would go out of business in a very short amount of time. But government has the advantage that they can steal as much money as they want, and … Continue reading

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Pentagon Predicted That Syria Would Experience Normal Weather For Syria

Twitter / greenman3610: How Climate Change Primed Syria …

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Shock News : Rowers Lied About Arctic Conditions

When I first discussed the rowers, I predicted that they would massively fail and then lie about what they encountered. And that is exactly what happened. Modern day explorers traverse the Arctic for climate change | Watch GlobalNews Videos They … Continue reading

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Shock News : NOAA Lied About Arctic Ice

NOAA warns Arctic ice is melting has reached new ‘striking’ record | The Raw Story The 2013 record is a record gain in ice, not a record loss of ice. arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.anom.1979-2008

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Shock News : John Kerry Lied About Who The US Is Supporting In Syria

Things aren’t exactly warming up between the Obama administration and Vladimir Putin, even as President Obama arrives in St. Petersburg for the G-20 summit. Putin called Obama Secretary of State John Kerry a liar over Kerry’s testimony this week before … Continue reading

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Experts Predict That Abbott Will Fail To Reduce Earth’s Temperature By 0.0000001 Degrees

Abbott has promised his first legislative act as prime minister will be to repeal it. He promises to replace it with a capped $3.2bn fund for competitive grants to pay for voluntary carbon dioxide abatement, which independent modelling has found … Continue reading

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US Fires 38% Below Normal – No Fires In The Southwest

The remarkably quiet US fire season continues, with the amazing statistic that there are no fires burning in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico or Texas. National Interagency Fire Center

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Suzuki Says That There Is Massive Amounts Of Evidence For Climate Change

I recently wrote about geoengineering as a strategy to deal with climate change and carbon dioxide emissions. That drew comments from people who confuse this scientific process with the unscientific theory of “chemtrails.” Some also claimed the column supported geoengineering, … Continue reading

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US Syria Death Counts Based On Models With 500% Inflation

One point on which the French and American summaries differ is the number of people who died. The French said at least 281 people were killed, while the United States said the death toll was 1,429. The French summary said … Continue reading

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