Daily Archives: September 7, 2013

Naming NaN

The ratio of NOAA names to hurricanes this year is 7/0 = NaN The NOAA guys are on their toes, never missing the opportunity to name a wind gust. Weather Street: 2013 Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

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Will Obama Address This On Tuesday?

Teenagers’ fingerprints found on car belonging to WWII vet who was beaten to death | Mail Online If the teenagers where white and the veteran was black, we would never hear the end of it from Obama/Sharpton/Jackson. Only that doesn’t … Continue reading

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A Serious Look At Obama’s Syria Stupidity

A college friend of mine is the Air Force General in charge of planning the Iran attack. September 23, 2007 Detailed contingency planning for a possible attack on Iran has been carried out for more than two years by Centcom … Continue reading

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Permanent Drought Strikes The Utah Desert – 16 Inches Of Rain This Week

Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United States

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Shirley You Must Be Kidding

The Republican Jewish Coalition sent an action alert on Tuesday to its 45,000 members directing them to urge Congress to authorise force in Syria. The RJC’s opposite number, the National Jewish Democratic Council, has also called for military intervention as has … Continue reading

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1839 Shock News : Syria Has Been Having Droughts For Thousands Of Years

15 Mar 1839 – The Drought.

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The Great CO2 Vs. Yo-Yos Debate

In 1933, drought was blamed on Yo-Yos. Eighty years later, modern Yo-Yos blame drought on CO2. 21 Jan 1933 – Yo-yos Blamed for Drought

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Two More Nice Days

We have had an amazingly pleasant September so far in Fort Collins. Riding my bike to the store last night, I kept thinking I was seeing palm trees (flashback to my first semester as an undergraduate at ASU) The forecast … Continue reading

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Prescott, AZ Man Shows John McCain The Value Of Town Hall Meetings


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Obama To Appeal For Support From Flat Earthers

After doing everything he can to alienate, belittle and anger most Americans over the past five years – the anti-war hope and change candidate is going on television to ask for American’s support in letting him start yet another war. … Continue reading

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