Daily Archives: September 7, 2013

Editorial : Give The Carbon Tax A Chance

In disturbing overnight news, Australia has joined Canada as the second Commonwealth Nation to be taken over by conservatives. (After this week I am not even going to acknowledge David Cameron.) Julia’s carbon tax was never given a chance to … Continue reading

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95% Of Nebraska’s All-Time Record Temperatures Were Set Before 1955

The press has been full of industrial grade junk science this week about heatwaves and CO2. There are 37 Nebraska HCN stations which have been continuously active since at least 1930. All but two set their all-time record maximum prior … Continue reading

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What Can We Expect This Year?

Two of the big stories of 2012 were the shootings at Aurora and Sandy Hook. The James Holmes story has been completely buried by a court gag order. We do know that his father works for DARPA and that he … Continue reading

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Live Video Of President Obama’s Saturday Address To The Nation


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Three Quarters Of Oklahoma’s All-Time Record Maximums Were Set In 1936

In 2011, NOAA made numerous false claims about record heat in Oklahoma. The summers of 1936 and 1934 were hotter, and the trend is down since the 1930s. There are thirty-three Oklahoma HCN stations which have been continuously active since … Continue reading

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Botulism Toxin Shown To Eat Away Your Conscience Too

Kerry Makes Pitch For EU Support Over Syria

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A Nutcase Even More Desperate For Attention Than Obama

PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA –  Retired NBA star Dennis Rodman left North Korea Saturday, professing his affection for autocratic leader Kim Jong Un and angrily rejecting calls to lobby for the release of imprisoned American citizen Kenneth Bae. Rodman meets with … Continue reading

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Australia Humiliates Barack Obama’s Welsh Girlfirend

In yet another blow to the community organizer’s fragile ego, Australia announces that the Flat Earth Society has won the debate after all.

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America’s Credibility

Obama says that he has to bomb Syria for America to remain credible. It is difficult to imagine what sort of drugs he has smoked to be that irrational, but the bottom line is that America can restore a little … Continue reading

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The Consequences Of The Australian Elections

If Tony Abbott wins, he will certainly destroy the climate of Australia. And it won’t be the first time that a white man has destroyed Australia’s climate. The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser Wednesday 11 March 1846 11 Mar … Continue reading

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