Daily Archives: September 8, 2013

Einstein’s World War IV Forecast

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. – Albert Einstein

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Rowers Expecting Four Million km^2 Of Arctic Ice To Melt This Afternoon

This summer’s Arctic weather barely even impacted that long-term trend line at all.” Just your regular run of the mill 60% increase. Mr. Solomon’s words echo what the elders told us and what we intuitively understood. The fact that this … Continue reading

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Thanks, Richard

Virgin Mobile gets the award today for world class flustercuck. My phone quit sending and receiving calls last night. I just spent two hours on Skype with various people at Virgin Mobile in Bangalore who were trying to figure out … Continue reading

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Shock News : Obama Is The NSA Culprit

He did say that he was going to fundamentally transform America. Obama administration had restrictions on NSA reversed in 2011 – The Washington Post

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White House Claims Consensus On Syria

Did John Cook do another survey for the White House? White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough said Sunday that an impending U.S. attack on Syria would send a message to Iranian leaders that they should not feel free to … Continue reading

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Understanding The Need For War

Bombing people is all about protecting the children.

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The Last And Ugliest Part Of The Scam

The Arctic sea ice scam is in its death throes, and now the climate criminals are focused on the Antarctic is going to melt and collapse and drown us all in 90 years scam. Only problem is, Antarctica is getting … Continue reading

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Christians Fleeing Their Homes Ahead Of Obama’s Rebel Army

Foreign-backed al-Qaeda-linked terrorists fighting the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad have gained control over the Christian village of Maalula, reports say. According to the so-called Syrian Observatory as well as the residents of the historic town located some 70 kilometers … Continue reading

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1926 : Nature On Rampage

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Restoring The Climate To 1927

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4] . President Obama hopes to restore the climate to 1927 levels, by destroying the US coal industry and making electricity prices skyrocket. http://news.google.com/newspapers http://news.google.com/newspapers http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/21860605? http://news.google.com/newspapers

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