Daily Archives: September 13, 2013

Still Pouring Rain

Twitter / KDVR: Viewer photo of flooding in …

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Statistical Cherry Picking 101 – Special Offering For Climate Morons

Suppose that there 25,000 places on earth, and each one keeps records for four things – hottest temperature, coldest temperature, most rain and most snow. That is a total of 100,000 all-time records. Now let’s say that the average length … Continue reading

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Another Real Scandal From The Phony Presidency

Newly released emails show that Lois G. Lerner, the woman at the center of the IRS scandal over special scrutiny of conservative groups’ applications for tax-exempt status, specifically targeted tea party applications and directed they be held up in 2011 in order to … Continue reading

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Middle School Earth Science For Climate Morons

Twitter / ForecastFacts: Flood threat still strong as …

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Luck Of The Irish

Estes Park had their annual Scottish-Irish festival last weekend. Good thing, because this weekend they are cut off from from the Front Range corridor because the roads connecting them have washed away.

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Gym Needs A New Programming Manager

My gym has the same Spanish language program on all of its televisions this evening.

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