Daily Archives: September 15, 2013

Your Tax Dollars At Work Supporting Middle Eastern Terrorists

Syria: nearly half rebel fighters are jihadists or hardline Islamists, says IHS Jane’s report – Telegraph Obama doesn’t trust Americans with guns, but is happy to ship them to al Qaeda

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Wild Bill Explains US-Russian Relations


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Quote Of The Day

I took my official Edinburgh Castle gift shop rain poncho out for a circum-flood tour on my bicycle this morning There isn’t actually a castle in Bellvue, Colorado – but it does look a bit like Scotland today. There was … Continue reading

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Biblical Event In Fort Collins

The CSU football team won a game yesterday, which experts say happens about once every thirty centuries. Note that yesterday’s climate refugees have moved out of Hughes Stadium Parking lot this morning.

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Shock News : Flooded States Fighting Over Scarce Water

Devastating long-term drought haunts U.S. Southwest: Water wars under way between Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming

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Fox News Extends History Back To 1997

You would have to go all the way back 16 years to find a more intense rainfall event along the Front Range. IT’S NOT OVER:Colorado braces for more rain, floods All the way back to 1997 this disaster is all … Continue reading

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Shock News : Obama Has No Idea What He Is Talking About

“Heat waves, droughts, wildfires, floods – all are now more frequent and more intense,” President Barack Obama said during his State of the Union speech last February. “We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought … Continue reading

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Shock News : Government Says Flooded New Mexico Is Having An Exceptional Drought

The Washington D.C. based US Drought Monitor shows us that flooded New Mexico is experiencing an exceptional drought. Regional Drought Monitor: West As always, the government is reporting highly accurate climate information – in pursuit of keeping the public properly … Continue reading

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Arctic Gains Seven Hundred Million Hockey Rinks Of Ice Since Last Year

The hockey theory is finally proven. The Arctic has 700,000,000 more hockey rinks (468 m²) of ice today that it did a year ago. »Numeric data of sea ice extent in the Arctic Ocean (Ver.1)

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No Hesitation : Charlotte Police Kill Unarmed Man Looking For Help

An unarmed man who may have been looking for help after a vehicle wreck was shot and killed by a police officer Saturday as he ran toward him, police said. Unarmed man, possibly looking for help after wreck, shot by … Continue reading

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