Daily Archives: September 18, 2013

New GTA A Big Hit In The Middle East

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Natural Gas Is Not A Fossil Fuel

Methane (CH4) comes from many different sources, including the lower crust – which contains lots of carbon and hydrogen. Cornell’s Tommy Gold theorized this decades ago. The idea that we will run out of natural gas any time in the … Continue reading

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Shock News : Obama Is Arming Terrorists Who Use Chemical Weapons

Syrian ‘proof’ of rebel chemical use

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Nuttercelli Finds Human Fingerprints In Non-Existent Warming

What’s causing global warming? Look for the fingerprints | John Abraham | Environment | theguardian.com They have identified the cause of global warming, except for one minor problem. The globe isn’t warming. Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

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Serreze Says Climate Models Predicted The Huge Increase In Ice

…. the melt season ended with considerably more ice. This is not surprising, as climate models consistently project …. Melt season ending | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

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Guardian Reduced To Blatant Lies To Keep The Scam Alive

Latest news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | theguardian.com | The Guardian Arctic sea ice area is the highest in seven years. Many scientists fear their own shadows. arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.anom.1979-2008

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Obama Launches His War On Natural Gas

Obama is working hard to kill coal, and now is launching his war against natural gas. President Obama’s pick to run the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, under fire from Republicans, on Tuesday sought to clarify his controversial claim that natural … Continue reading

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Will Huffington Post Censor My Comments?


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Arctic Alarmists Will Long For The Summer Of 2013

This summer has been a disaster for Arctic alarmists, but it is only going to get worse. The bulk of remaining ice is perfectly situated in the western Arctic to survive the winter and become multi-year ice. Another cold summer … Continue reading

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Marines Had No Ammunition At The DC Navy Base

Marines could have stopped yesterday’s shooting, but the soldiers were not allowed to have ammunition. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7xQQ6m7Vzo] So Homeland Security has 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, but the Marines have none. In case you had forgotten that the US is being … Continue reading

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