1871 Shock News : Sierra Club Founder Discovered That Vast Glaciers Had Disappeared From Yosemite

It must have been Fred Flintstone’s SUV that ruined the glaciers.

ScreenHunter_92 Sep. 02 15.12

in my opinion future investigation will uncover proofs of the existence in the earlier ages of Sierra Nevada ice, of vast glaciers which flowed to the very foot of the range. Already it is clear that all of the upper basins were filled with ice so deep and universal that but few of the highest crests and ridges were sufficiently great to separate it into individual glaciers, many of the highest mountains having been flowed over and rounded like the boulders in a river. Glaciers poured into Yosemite by every one of its cañons, and at a comparatively recent period of its history its northern wall, with perhaps the single exception of the crest of Eagle Cliff, was covered by one unbroken flow of ice, the several glaciers having united before they reached the wall.

Yosemite Glaciers by John Muir (1871) – John Muir Exhibit (John Muir Education Project, Sierra Club California)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1871 Shock News : Sierra Club Founder Discovered That Vast Glaciers Had Disappeared From Yosemite

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    There is an excellent “How The Earth Was Made” episode on Yosemite.

  2. AndrewS says:

    And they will be back!

  3. terrence says:

    “It must have been Fred Flintstone’s SUV that ruined the glaciers.”

    Yabba-Dabba Do

    Here is the theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s13X66BFd8

  4. gator69 says:

    John Muir was not a climatologist, nor was he a geologist, he had zero formal training and yet he turned the experts inside out and showed their vast ignorance. Today he would be called a denier.

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