Daily Archives: September 19, 2013

US Violent Crime Rate Plummeting

The main epidemic of violence the US is experiencing is Obama’s war against the US Constitution. FBI — Table 1 Most of the murders in the US are committed by people who Obama thinks could have been his son. FBI … Continue reading

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Abbott Wasting No Time Dismantling the Australian Climate Mafia

PROFESSOR Tim Flannery has been sacked by the Abbott Government from his $180,000 a year part time Chief Climate Commissioner position with the agency he runs to be dismantled immediately. Environment Minister Greg Hunt called Prof Flannery this morning to … Continue reading

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Ron Paul : Has The Tide Turned Against The Warmongers?


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Root Of All Evil Located

According To Soccer Fans Manchester United Is Evil ManU Is Evil And Liverpool Is History: Defining The EPL’s Brands – Business Insider

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Something Else I Learned Today

Barcelona is now located in Qatar

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What I Have Learned From Posting On Alarmist Blogs

These people are industrial grade stupid. They don’t understand anything which involves even the most elementary science or math.

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Understanding The Transition Back To Global Cooling


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IPCC Spokesmen Give A Sneak Preview Of The Upcoming Report

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Blame Guns And Video Games First

It couldn’t possibly be the lunatics that are the problem The Montreal Gazette – Google News Archive Search

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