1931 China Flood Killed Millions Of People, Covered 50,000 Square Miles

ScreenHunter_786 Sep. 20 23.10ScreenHunter_787 Sep. 20 23.11

21 Aug 1931 – CENTRAL CHINA FLOOD HORROR Worst Disaster in Cou…




About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1931 China Flood Killed Millions Of People, Covered 50,000 Square Miles

  1. David C. Morrow says:

    To be the worst disaster in Chinese history something would have to be really big and compared to a large number of events, many almost forgotten or poorly recorded. Unlike the constant worst disasters in US history, which happen every few months.

  2. CM says:

    An interesting bit of history to put modern floods in perspective. History also records many devastating floods on the Hwang Ho (Yellow River) as well. There was a flood in the 1880s that killed millions and several other severe floods in the 19th Century. Back in medieval times the whole course of the river shifted significantly a number of times. We truly haven’t seen anything like these floods in more modern times – despite the alleged global warming.

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