1935 Colorado Storm Was Much More Severe

In 1935, Colorado received 23 inches of rain in four hours.

By contrast, the heaviest daily rainfall last week was less than 7 inches, and Boulder’s total for this month is less than 17 inches.

June 02, 2013

Woodward Ranch, Texas (about 17 miles northwest of D’Hanis, which is 40 miles west of San Antonio) measured an amazing 10.00″ in 1 hour, 15.00″ in 2 hours and a world record 22.00″ in 2 hours and 45 minutes on May 31, 1935 between 3:00-6:00 a.m. This was an especially interesting event since, just hours earlier, a rain gauge in eastern Colorado (at a location 25 miles northeast of Colorado Springs) measured 24″ of rain in a 6-hour period between noon-6:00 p.m. May 30th (22.80″ of which fell in just 4 hours). Several other gauges in eastern Colorado also measured amounts close to this, lending creditability to the figure

Weather Extremes : What is the Most Rain to Ever Fall in One Minute or One Hour? | Weather Underground

NOAA is of course lying about last week’s rain, like they do about almost everything else

This rare event has lead people, including the National Weather Service, to label the storm as “Biblical.”

Colorado’s Biblical Record Rainfall: The Scary Statistics Of the Flood

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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