1981 Shock News : US To Starve – L.A, Miami, Boston To Drown

ScreenHunter_119 Sep. 03 08.08ScreenHunter_120 Sep. 03 08.09 ScreenHunter_121 Sep. 03 08.10

The Pittsburgh Press – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1981 Shock News : US To Starve – L.A, Miami, Boston To Drown

  1. Bob Greene says:

    Interesting how the same folks can keep recycling these skeers. They don’t lose credibility for misses, in fact, they seem to gain credibility for being wrong.

    • tom0mason says:

      Same grant-maintained alarmist peddling the same alarm year after year.
      It’s about time to cut the grant money as they have proved themselves less than worthless.

  2. chris y says:

    The climateers are at the end of the plank.

    Hansen relied on 15 years of temperature change as his dramatic evidence of global warming-
    “They have found that the Earth’s average temperature rose 0.2 degrees Centigrade from the mid-1960s to 1980.”

    We now have 15 years of no temperature increase, while annual CO2 emissions are 2.5 times higher.

  3. chris y says:

    Actually it is even worse. Thanks to ad hoc data tampering, the ‘dramatic evidence’ of 0.2 C temperature rise from 1965 – 1980 is no longer there. 🙂

    HadCRUT gives 0.06C, GISS [sic] gives 0.12C, and HadSST gives -0.02C.

    Hansen’s dramatic evidence of temperature rise was smaller than Hansen’s data adjustments.

    On a positive note, at least this execrable behavior drove NASA GISS funding through the roof.

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