1986 Shock News : Five Degrees Warming Before 2010 – Eight Degrees By 2030 With 4.5 Feet of Sea Level Rise

The Miami News – Jun 11, 1986

ScreenHunter_96 Sep. 02 16.21

ScreenHunter_98 Sep. 02 16.22ScreenHunter_100 Sep. 02 16.22

The Miami News – Google News Archive Search

Hansen – Four decades of spectacular failure as a climatologist.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 1986 Shock News : Five Degrees Warming Before 2010 – Eight Degrees By 2030 With 4.5 Feet of Sea Level Rise

  1. Chewer says:

    We’re doomed, as long as the rat bastard lying POS’s continue the brainwashing sessions with the MSM mouthpieces leading the way!

  2. shazaam says:

    The 2-4 degrees warming in 2000-2010 is a clear miss. So the number of days each year above 80 in Omaha, Neb and Mordor on the Potomac (DC) are near certain misses as well.

    3 strikes,

    Toss that bum out.

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    Is this Hansen’s Scenario A?

  4. Phil Jones says:

    Alarmists and Hoaxers deny the outlandish predictions their leaders made in years past… This is great proof.. Thanks!!

  5. Ian W says:

    This was the first shout of WOLF!!
    Even AGW proponents must be finding it difficult to continue believing the threat – so there must be another reason for their increasingly hoarse shouts of WOLF.

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