Daily Archives: September 24, 2013

2006 : Met Office Superdupercomputer Forecast Milder Winters

Keith Fenwick, weather forecaster, Met Office 1 September 2006 The Met Office’s supercomputer plays a large part in my life. One of the predictions over the coming decade is that snow will become less frequent in the British Isles; we … Continue reading

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Obama Begins His 2013 Apology Tour

Two weeks after his failed attempt to start WW III with Iran, Obama returns to his blame America first strategy. Then he puts the original US apologist in charge of nuclear security. Obama tells UN that diplomatic path must be … Continue reading

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1975 : Climatologists Wanted To Melt The North Pole – To Keep The Earth From Freezing

denisdutton.com/newsweek_coolingworld.pdf Note that this super cold period from 1975 is now understood by climatologists to have been a super hot period, thanks to pioneering work done at Penn State University. People in 1975 just weren’t intelligent enough to know if … Continue reading

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1975 : Climate Scientists Needed a 400% Increase In Funding – To Model Global Cooling

Science News Ice Age

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University Of Manitoba Neck And Neck With The University Of Ottawa In The Arctic Choom Competition

November 27th, 2009 “Ship navigation across the pole is imminent as the type of ice which resides there is no longer a barrier to ships in the late summer and fall,” Barber says. News Release: Thick Arctic Sea Ice Goes … Continue reading

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Nuttercelli Says That Humans Are Causing Strong Hurricanes

New Research Shows Humans Causing More Strong Hurricanes In more rational times, he would probably be kept in a place away from sharp objects.

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John Holdren Ice-Free Arctic Winter Update

President Obama’s science advisor has forecast ice-free Arctic winters, because he is completely incompetent – like everyone else in the Obama administration. Barrow Sea Ice Webcam

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75th Anniversary Of Adolf Hitler Endorsing Gun Control

http://news.google.com Common sense solutions for the kids, like the ones which California just passed. Only the police and military should have weapons of war

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1886 Vs. 2013

By this date in 1886, the US had already been hit by six hurricanes, compared to zero hurricanes in 2013. Only three hurricanes have hit the US since Super-Typhoon Obama took over as the most destructive force.

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Fossil Fuel Powered Tropics Go Crazy

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