Daily Archives: September 24, 2013

The Mid Manhattan Hot Spot

Since 1998, GISS has been diverging from RSS satellite temperatures at a rate of 1.1ºC per century. Global warming theory predicts the opposite, but this result is exactly what government scientist funding theory would expect. www.woodfortrees.org/data/gistemp/from:1998/plot/rss/from:1998

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Understanding The Global Isostatic Adjustment

Saddened by the fact that sea level is barely rising, climate scientists made up a fake upwards sea level adjustment called the Global Isostatic Adjustment. It is based on a theory that sea level rise would be 10% faster if … Continue reading

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Republican Leaders Leading The Fight To Fund Obamacare

Two weeks ago Republicans were leading the fight to start war with Syria, and now they are leading the fight to wreck America’s health care system “Right now in the Senate, Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn are actively whipping Senators … Continue reading

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Met Office Climate Incompetence Set To Continue

14 September 2009 the Met Office’s decadal forecast predicts renewed warming after 2010 with about half of the years to 2015 likely to be warmer globally than the current warmest year on record. Global warming set to continue – Met … Continue reading

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40% Of Americans Tell Gallup That They Don’t Know Their Head From Their Ass

Americans’ Belief That Gov’t Is Too Powerful at Record Level

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Obama Hope And Change Update

Obama has fundamentally transformed America, just as he promised. There are hundreds of formerly prosperous communities all over America that are being steadily transformed into rotting, decaying hellholes.  The good paying middle class jobs that once supported those communities are … Continue reading

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Gun Control Works

800,000 Rwandan’s were massacred with machetes, because gun control kept them from being able to defend themselves. The perpetrators were very appreciative of the gun laws in place. It made their job of killing hundreds of thousands of women and … Continue reading

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When Seconds Count, You Need A Good Guy With A Gun

Progressives would have preferred another 100 people dead in Kenya. British hero of the mall massacre: Ex Royal Marine with a handgun saved 100 lives as terrorists ran amok | Mail Online h/t to Dave G

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God Save The King

Over the past six years, I don’t think I have clicked on the BBC News web site once when there wasn’t a story admiring Barack Obama. Someone at the BBC appears to have tingle up their leg.

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Shock News : Al Gore And Barack Obama Have No Clue What They Are Talking About

Someone at CBS News didn’t get the Ministry of Truth memo. Great New England Hurricane of 1938 remembered on 75th anniversary A weather station in Massachusetts recorded sustained winds of 121 mph and gusts as high as 186 mph — … Continue reading

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