Daily Archives: September 24, 2013

Daily Aggie Joke

Twitter / JunkScience: Warmists say they won’t … Intellicast – Weekly Precipitation in United States

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Laughter At The Breathtakingly Ignorant

I have pointing out for the last three months that Arctic sea ice was tracking just below 2006, both in shape and size. Our alarmist friends thought that was hilarious, and kept making comments about free-fall and a new record … Continue reading

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Ban Assault Cars

Since the Navy shipyard shooting, more than 700 Americans have died horrible twisted metal, violent deaths in automobile accidents, and thousands more injured. September 22, 2013 Cincinnati freshman offensive lineman Ben Flick was killed in an auto accident on Saturday … Continue reading

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Affordable Health Care Act Triples Premiums

One family’s ObamaCare nightmare President Obama says that he won’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000, and that Obamacare is a tax and also isn’t a tax, depending on whom the teleprompter thinks it is talking to that … Continue reading

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James Hansen Explains How GISS Temperature Adjustments Work


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Alarmist Arctic Woes Deepen

There is more ice in the western Arctic today, than any September 23 since at least 2001. The map below overlays 2002 in purple, on 2013 in white. Arctic Sea-Ice Monitor This is a disaster for alarmists, because the western … Continue reading

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Some Thoughts On The Ted Cruz Obamacare Filibuster

We have to shut down the government so that we can find out what is in it. If we shut down Obamacare, you can keep your current doctor I did not have sexual relations with that woman At this point, … Continue reading

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Has NASA Succeeded At Their Primary Mission?

NASA’s administrator says that Obama primarily wants him to make the Islamic world feel good about themselves. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlcNUq77_LM] How is that working out? Islam: Making a True Difference in the World – One Body at a Time I’m guessing that … Continue reading

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Latest From The Screaming, Rapidly Melting Acidic Arctic


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Life Expectancy Has Doubled As CO2 Has Risen

Life expectancy has steadily risen, as atmospheric CO2 has risen. This is because fossil fuels keep us warm and dry, allow for much improved health care, and keep food coming to the stores. Life Expectancy by Age, 1850–2004 | Infoplease.com … Continue reading

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