Daily Archives: September 30, 2013

Paul Ehrlich : Now In His Fifth Decade Of Dissonance

The Sydney Morning Herald – Google News Archive Search

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1825 Fire New Brunswick Fire Killed Almost Everything In 2,500,000 Acres

Barack Obama hopes to restore the climate to the kinder, gentler days of times past, when fires were cooler and less intense. Over more than two and a half million acres almost every living thing was killed. Even the fish … Continue reading

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No Change In Los Angeles Sea Level For 20 Years

Data and Station Information for SANTA MONICA (MUNICIPAL PIER) Zero sea level rise is a sure sign that Antarctica and Greenland are collapsing.

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Western Greenland Temperature Shows Zero Correlation With CO2

Since CO2 hit 300 PPM at the turn of the 19th century, western Greenland temperatures show no correlation with CO2.

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Guardian Can Tell You What The Temperature Will Be In 100 Years

  Climate change: how hot will it get in my lifetime? – interactive | Environment | theguardian.com

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Thin Rotten Decayed Ice-Free Arctic Update

COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut The long-term trend indicates that government climate science will be fact-free by the year 2015.

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How Many Vasectomies Could Have Prevented The Peshtigo Fire?

During this week in 1871, the worst forest fire in US history occurred. Fires driven by drought and hurricane force winds burned 2,000 square miles in a day or two – and killed more than 1,000 people around Lake Michigan … Continue reading

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IPCC Chief Says That Humans Cause Earthquakes And Tsunamis

John Kerry says that the IPCC is very conservative Given that human actions are increasingly interfering with the delicate balance of nature, natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and tsunamis will occur more frequently, said Dr Rajendra K Pachauri, . … Continue reading

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John Kerry Can See Miami Underwater From His House

U.S. Secretary of State Kerry calls climate change report ‘alarm bell’ “It’s science,” Kerry said. “It builds on the most authoritative assessments of knowledge on climate change produced by scientists, who by profession are conservative because they must deal in … Continue reading

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Eric’s Problem Solved!

A weatherman breaks down in tears and vows NEVER to fly again due to grim climate-change report | Mail Online h/t to dp

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