75th Anniversary Of Adolf Hitler Endorsing Gun Control


Common sense solutions for the kids, like the ones which California just passed.

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Only the police and military should have weapons of war

ScreenHunter_408 Jan. 16 18.58

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 75th Anniversary Of Adolf Hitler Endorsing Gun Control

  1. Laurel says:

    When a nation declares it’s good citizens as terrorists therefore categorizing them, separatism, degradation, demeaning them into inferior people, it makes for trouble in any country anywhere at any time…Hitler did this in the world, Obama is doing it now as a puppet for elite corporate bankers ruling USA and world under New World Order and United Nations auspices. The time has come to say stop in the name of God, from further genocide, whether elite 1% use Muslims to do it in the name of their greed and hate, or other’s. UN is not even a legal entity any longer, it is a corrupt arm of the elites, as is the world court. The people have only God and the goodness and intelligence God gives to us to protect against the insane elite war on God’s creation forever.
    So of course the elite must remove arms from citizens in order to use genocide all the quicker. No, means NO, citizens must remained armed or they are doomed. One must look no further than the gun free zones worldwide to see the genocide and abuses of humanity inflicted on these populations, such as Africa, Chicago, to mention a few. Hitler disarmed the people before the Holocaust and as many Christians died as Jewish people, almost. The same happened in Russia and China. Millions of people have died as elite use genocide to gain assets.

  2. gator69 says:

    I guess the camps were deemed necessary when the National Socialist Party realized the Jews still had hands and feet.

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