86% Of Swiss Glaciers Were Retreating In The Year 1900

CO2 was below 300 PPM in 1900, and 86% of Swiss glaciers were retreating. Hansen says that we can stop glacial retreat by returning to 350 PPM, which is a number he pulled out from where the sun never shines.

ScreenHunter_444 Sep. 10 11.09

29 Dec 1900 – The Swiss Glaciers Decreasing.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 86% Of Swiss Glaciers Were Retreating In The Year 1900

  1. Don says:

    Re-posted at DTT dot com

    Unlike the warmists, you can’t make this stuff up. Great work, Steve.

  2. Billy Liar says:

    He picked 350 so it wouldn’t be too hard for McKibben to remember it.

  3. Bob Greene says:

    From WWUT: faster in the 1940’s than today. http://climateaudit.org/2005/11/18/archaeological-finds-in-retreating-swiss-glacier/
    Climate Audit: Artifacts from different periods found in Swiss glacier melt (2003)
    I remember seeing photos showing glacial retreat 100-150 years ago but can’t find them easily.

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