A Question About Arctic Balding

ScreenHunter_214 Sep. 04 16.21

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Twitter / ClimateOfGavin: “Go ahead. Ask a climate …

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The balding Arctic | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to A Question About Arctic Balding

  1. mike says:

    97% of fraudulent climate scientists would have you believe that the Arctic is ice free.

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    The Arctic Country Club looks to be doing just fine. I hope the Russians have enough Vodka because day by day it is getting colder.

    Earlier this year the moved some.

  3. Chewer says:

    He knows the ass wipes from the MSM to Academia will cover his ass, so he can say and doo whatever he likes and still collect a nice paycheck!

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