A Serious Look At Obama’s Syria Stupidity

A college friend of mine is the Air Force General in charge of planning the Iran attack.

September 23, 2007

Detailed contingency planning for a possible attack on Iran has been carried out for more than two years by Centcom (U.S. central command), according to defense sources.

Checkmate’s job is to add a dash of brilliance to Air Force thinking by countering the military’s tendency to “fight the last war” and by providing innovative strategies for warfighting and assessing future needs for air, space and cyberwarfare.

It is led by Brigadier-General Lawrence “Stutz” Stutzriem, who is considered one of the brightest Air Force generals. He is assisted by Dr Lani Kass, a former Israeli military officer and expert on cyberwarfare

Report: U.S. Military Forms Group to Forge Plans for Potential Attack on iran | Fox News

I haven’t talked to Larry for a long time, but did speak to his wife a few years ago. She was the first woman accepted into the Air Force Academy – before they found out she wore contact lenses.

Assuming the plan is to provoke a counter-attack by Iran and then take out their nuclear facilities, why on Earth did Obama bring this bullshit story about Syrian chemical weapons to the Congress? If he believed that this was important, he needed to take action while the fire was hot.

Obama doesn’t seem to understand that no one listens to his lies any more. The talking game is over. The decision needs to be made based on US risk/reward – not lies and more mindless Obama speeches. What does he hope to accomplish with another speech laced with BS?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to A Serious Look At Obama’s Syria Stupidity

  1. omnologos says:

    a lot of Obama’s irrational actions can be explained by him having been surrounded by too many sycophants for too long a time

    the boy’s bound to do something very stupid

  2. scizzorbill says:

    First off, his puppeteers told him to. Since he considers his narcissist self to be way beyond merely high intelligence, he will use smaller words so the stupid sheeple might understand his brilliant message. The message will be the same, with the stab at an appeal to the emotions yet again. It will be rambling, meandering, and largely incoherent, lacking reason and logic. Basically,,,vintage Obama.

    • Crock Hunter says:

      “he will use smaller words so the stupid sheeple might understand his brilliant message.”

      Your post had a Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level of 8.5.. .. Good but a little high for the regular followers.. .

  3. Jeffk says:

    Also the ships sitting off Lebanon coast could be to bait Hezbollah attack. More likely after Syria campaign starts. Hezbollah needs to go too if Assad is hit. They depend on each other.
    Then if Iran takes that bait, Israel can join in.

  4. Brad-DXT says:

    This is all a distraction. Obama’s handlers realized that the scandals were piling up around him. They decided to bring a story out that would keep Fast and Furious, Obamacare’s failures, IRS political prejudice, NSA spying, unemployment number juggling, and Benghazi deaths out of the news for long enough for them to come up with another distraction.
    I predict that Obama’s handlers will keep him playing golf while the House and Senate vote not to attack Syria. He will then, with great trepidation (like he cares what the commoners think), go it alone and shoot a few missiles into Syria because it is the “right thing to do”. He will, undoubtedly, kill innocents that are nowhere near any command and control center and will probably hit a chemical munitions site that releases great clouds of Sarin gas killing multitudes. Hopefully, by this time, Obama’s handlers will have come up with another distraction for the news agencies to report on while they talk about his courage to “do the right thing” and teach Assad a lesson for using chemical weapons.

  5. NikFromNYC says:

    Bruce Lee wore contact lenses and was thus rejected by the draft board in the 60s.

  6. I don’t feel I know enough yet about the real reason why Obama wants to attack Syria. I am inclined to think it is mainly about gaining some sympathy in looming showdowns with Congress, particularly over Obamacare, since I’m sure he wants all the fines to start rolling in, or everyone knuckling under, on time, to satisfy his sense of power and control over America. But the quickness with which Saudi Arabia has offered to pay for the attack (showing themselves to be much better allies than Europe; amazing isn’t it?), and Kerry immediately announced as much to the Senate (Foreign Affairs?, Intelligence?) committee, and thus to the world, tells us that Saudi Arabia wants us to attack Syria just as badly as Obama does. Which, to me, is reason enough not to do it; it seems only those who want to control the masses are for attacking Syria. As I’ve said before, we’re being driven, really obviously.

    CNN just had a segment on video footage of victims of the attack, showing how “horrible” it is (remember how the anti-Mohammed video was “horrible”–or maybe just “terrible”–too?). The only thing wrong was, the video doesn’t show who did it. The government, CNN said, provided the video, which just tells me Obama hopes it will be “horrible” enough to make people forget the real point everyone has been harping on: who did it (Islamic jihadist “rebels” have the motive, Assad doesn’t). Just another brazen misdirection on his part.

  7. nomoregore says:

    One thing you can be absolutely sure of: He isn’t doing anything for America’s benefit.


  8. Martin C says:

    . .this has a similarity to Clinton and his military action after the Lewinski scandal, to take the focus off that . Didn’t a movie called ‘Wag The Dog’ come out shortly after that, about a similar situation. That’s how I see this – to take all the focus of Benghazni, IRS, NSA, the gun-running to Mexico, Obuttwipecare . . . well, you get the idea . . .

    . .sure hoping for some of that change in Nov 2014 . . .if this country lasts that long . . .

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