Over a month ago, CNN reported that Benghazi survivors had been forced to sign non-disclosure statements as part of a White House cover-up. This is vastly worse than anything Nixon did, and yet a month later, no one in the press has asked Obama about it.
In the old days, presidents had press conferences where they were confronted by an often hostile press. That never happens any more. Under Obama, communication has degenerated to a pure propaganda level which even Khrushchev would be ashamed of.
It won’t be much longer before this Benghazi stuff fails to stick to the wall and slides down. You will by then have found something else to sling to the wall and forget all about Benghazi.
Now the ‘layman’ is a Benghazi expert. Please tell us, what did the personnel present that night tell you when you interviewed them.
Then again regale us with the happenings, when you confronted the IPCC and Skeptical Science over their incestuous behavior.
Sucks when your lies come back go haunt you, doesn’t it? 😆
Time and history will sort out the liars and fools.
Well we have already sorted you out. 😆
Seconded and carried. Throw the bum out.
It took two years to get rid of Nixon after Watergate. Why did the White House force NDAs if they have nothing to hide?
Don’t be so daft.