Affordable Health Care Act Triples Premiums

ScreenHunter_862 Sep. 23 21.53

One family’s ObamaCare nightmare

President Obama says that he won’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000, and that Obamacare is a tax and also isn’t a tax, depending on whom the teleprompter thinks it is talking to that day.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Affordable Health Care Act Triples Premiums

  1. slimething says:

    I can’t be true because it was on Fox News. Just ask any Obama zombie Progressive.

  2. Pathway says:

    My family is now rolling the dice without any health care coverage. Just can’t afford it.

  3. For a $1000 a month I’d prefer to put that money in high dividend yielding blue chip stocks and start my own personal insurance fund.

  4. @njsnowfan says:

    Rates have been going up since Obama went into office on First term while coverage has been decreased by the crooks. All insurance rates are going out of control.
    Who were the big donors to Obama’s campaign contribution’s, Insurance bet they were some of the largest.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    Just exterminate the rats.

  6. Traitor In Chief says:

    My rate jumped 85%

    All those pushed out of their private plan are automatically covered by unkie obungo. They are forced to pay a premium, hereinafter called a “penalty” which will be far less than the actual cost of their coverage, and will be borrowed from the fiat funny money of other countries, vastly hastening the day of America’s financial collapse.

    Obungocare is a Trojan horse for single payer and diabolical tool of America’s destruction. It is functioning exactly according to plan.

  7. kbray in california says:

    White people have been getting it too easy in the past,
    and they need to pay their fair share (1) from now on.
    They can afford it, they’re white.
    The big plan is Health Care Restitution,
    the actual effect is Health Care Destitution.

    (1) white fair share includes premiums for several poor and “immigrant” families.
    repeat, they can afford it because they are white. Obama(don’t)care.

    • kbray in california says:

      White people is defined in Obamacare as anyone of any race with a good non-government job that has good health benefits. The beauty of Obamacare is every race is considered white if they have money.

  8. I’m not sure how the US managed to combine the worst of every possible option in a new national healthcare scheme, but they did a perfect own goal on this one. Although the Republicans also have a lot to answer for.

    • Lou says:

      Republicans have nothing to do with Obamacare. Not a single vote. This is all on Democrats as they shoved it down our throats without letting us even take a look at what’s inside the bill.

  9. ralphcramdo says:

    As soon as Obamacare passed my health care went from $44 a week to $66 a week. I can only imagine the carnage when it’s up and running. Affordable health care? BS!!!

  10. gator69 says:

    “Over half of Obama’s Twitter followers, according to a Sept. 20 Daily Caller report, are fake – 55 percent, or 20.2 million out of 36.8 million followers, to be more exact.”

    Read more:

    And that 55% probably had a 107% voter turnout in 2012.

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