All Long Term Iowa Stations Set Their Record Temperature Before 1937

ScreenHunter_946 Sep. 25 21.11

There are 23 HCN stations in Iowa which have been continuously active since at least 1930. All of them set their record temperature in either 1901, 1930, 1934 or 1936.

Station name	 State	 Station Number	Date    ºC
ALBIA 3 NNE      IA	 USC00130112	1934.68	45
ALGONA 3 W       IA	 USC00130133	1930.67	43.3
BELLE PLAINE     IA	 USC00130600	1936.71	43.9
CHARLES CITY     IA	 USC00131402	1901.63	42.2
CLARINDA         IA	 USC00131533	1934.68	45.6
CLINTON #1       IA	 USC00131635	1936.61	42.8
ESTHERVILLE 4E   IA	 USC00132724	1930.65	42.2
FAIRFIELD        IA	 USC00132789	1936.62	45.6
FAYETTE          IA	 USC00132864	1901.64	43.3
FOREST CITY NNE  IA	 USC00132977	1936.61	42.2
FT DODGE 5NNW    IA	 USC00132999	1936.61	43.3
INDIANOLA 2W     IA	 USC00134063	1934.68	45
IOWA FALLS       IA	 USC00134142	1936.61	43.9
LE MARS          IA	 USC00134735	1936.62	43.9
LOGAN            IA	 USC00134894	1936.64	47.2
MT AYR           IA	 USC00135769	1936.64	44.4
MT PLEASANT SSW  IA	 USC00135796	1936.62	45.6
NEW HAMPTON      IA	 USC00135952	1936.61	43.3
ROCK RAPIDS      IA	 USC00137147	1936.59	43.9
ROCKWELL CITY    IA	 USC00137161	1936.71	43.3
STORM LAKE 2 E   IA	 USC00137979	1930.67	42.8
TOLEDO 3N        IA	 USC00138296	1901.63	42.8
WASHINGTON       IA	 USC00138688	1936.62	45

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to All Long Term Iowa Stations Set Their Record Temperature Before 1937

  1. What we really need at this point is someone from a publicly funded climate institute, or alternate energy industry association, to call Steve a bunch of names, point out that 97% of climate scientists are in complete agreement over everything, and that deniers are funded by a big oil conspiracy.

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