America Goes Completely Mad

Severely mentally ill people have taken over the US while we weren’t paying attention.


Three Virginia Beach seventh graders learned their fates Tuesday morning when they were suspended for shooting airsoft guns on private property.

During a hearing with a disciplinary committee Tuesday morning, Aidan Clark, Khalid Caraballo and a third friend were given long-term suspensions in a unanimous vote. The suspensions will last until June, but a hearing will be held January 27 to determine if they will be allowed back in school sooner.

“I’m more than angry … it’s like an expulsion-suspension,” said Tim Clark, Aidan’s father.

Like thousands of others in Hampton Roads, Caraballo and Clark play with airsoft guns. The boys were suspended because they shot two other friends who were with them while playing with the guns as they waited for the school bus September 12.

The two seventh graders say they never went to the bus stop with the guns; they fired the airsoft guns while on Caraballo’s private property.

WAVY – Has zero tolerance gone too far | | Virginia Beach

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to America Goes Completely Mad

  1. Okie says:

    Just wait for the interrogations you will receive under Obamacare about “unhealthy behavior”.

  2. Mike D says:

    Zero tolerance policies are intended to protect “educators” from charges of racism. Because when they made judgments, there were clear racial disparities in the numbers of those punished. And of course that was obviously due to racism since it couldn’t possibly due to certain ethic groups being more likely to be involved in incidents at school. So, along comes zero tolerance so that there’s no way to claim racism since there’s no judgment involved. I would guess there’s still that same disparity in disciplinary action, but you’ll never hear about it now.

    This story is an example of why there should not be a monopoly on tax dollars for public schools. The most ridiculous thing about liberals is they only want tax dollars to go toward public schools in k-12, then switch to wanting tax dollars to go toward people who attend private universities. Yet the public k-12 schools fail so many children when it makes the most difference.

  3. Don says:

    Home schooling. Which is why the left hates it.

    But this story is pure insanity. Adults who need close supervision and have sharp objects kept away from them.

  4. EW3 says:

    Growing up in NYC and attending Brooklyn Tech, we had a high school rifle team.
    The school provided the rifles. And the team members could bring them home on weekends via the NYC subway/bus system.
    We’ve come a long way from there.
    Our country was great back then, now we are whimps.
    Time to take it back.
    Did you hear that NSA ?
    Time to take it back.

    • Don says:

      Michael Savage reminisces every so often about his NYC high schools rifle team. Frog in the proverbial room temp water with the heat being slowly brought to a boil. That is what is going on. They cannot get where they want in a leap, so slowly inculcate this stupidity into the children, and soon they’re all clamoring for government to do everything.

      He who would give up a little Liberty for security shall have neither Liberty nor security.

      The communist/Progressives knew America would be the hardest nut to crack so they took over the teacher’s schools to begin to devolve our way of life. They never give up, never.

  5. darrylb says:

    I am a retired teacher and coach and my son in law is a teacher and coach, and they (my daughter) home schools They have six children – not easy.
    To see how times have changed.
    —We had gun training in the school
    —Our principal walked out to my car, I opened up my trunk, showed him my model 97 12 gauge.
    and then we went hunting.
    —-We did shoot each other with BB’s, careful not to hit in the face. It was kinda a pre-macho thing.
    Now we have this absurdity , but at the same time they can go nuts with cars.
    and we, well we did a little!

  6. darrylb says:

    By the way, I know of no guys, none, that did not have a gun.

  7. RAVerhoeckx says:

    Isn’t interesting, Canadian Prime Minister Stephan Harper refused to sign the UN gun control
    Prime Minister Stephen Harper continues to engage the United Nations on his own terms, refusing to sign a landmark UN treaty regulating the arms trade while pushing his maternal health agenda.

    Canada is holding off signing the treaty, citing concern over how it affects firearm owners – even though the United States has now joined the global accord over the objections of that country’s powerful gun lobby. At least the PM repesents the Canadian people not some off shore tin pot dicators.
    Note – Obama tripped going up to the signing dias He couldn’t move fast enough. So much for representing Americans.

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