America’s Credibility

Obama says that he has to bomb Syria for America to remain credible.

It is difficult to imagine what sort of drugs he has smoked to be that irrational, but the bottom line is that America can restore a little credibility by just saying no to the nutcase in chief.

America lost a lot of credibility in November, when the country re-elected the worst president in history. But we have a chance now to get some of it back.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to America’s Credibility

  1. John Silver says:

    You were credible until the 70’s I think. Now you’re just kooks with nukes.
    A bit uncomfortable.

  2. Robertv says:

    The World is going down hill and in an accelerating speed.

  3. MikeTheDenier says:

    Obamby and Putin want you to watch the shiny object known as Syria and chemical weapons. They don’t want you to see the OPEC/GAZPROM oil/gas pipeline war going on behind the scenes (the route to the sea is through Syria). This war is about control of Europe’s energy future and petro$$$ (soon to be some other currency) and nothing to do with chemical weapons.

  4. Lawrence13 says:

    I thought one of the major moans from the global-well western left was that America interferes too much . Imagine if this was Bush the liberal press would want to impeach him. Blimey Neil Young who I like a great deal disappointed me when he wanted to ‘impeach the president’. I wonder if any of the luvvie rockers want to impeach Obama

    • gator69 says:

      Leftists are cowards and duplicitous. They are the ‘ends justify the means’ crowd. No goose stepping out of line.

    • Greg Locke says:

      Why would they, Mr Lawrence? Mr. Obama acts only for reasons which are pure, and will bring hope for the future, and especially the children. If a few thousand innocents must die so Mr. Obama can bring peace to the world by forever stopping the misguided from ever using MWDs again, those folks will not have died in vain.

      Mr. Bush, on the other hand, waged war on behalf of despicable, profit seeking capitalists in furtherance of the right wing agenda of exploitation of the poor, women and minorities. There is no moral equivalence between the actions of a neocon president beholden to big oil, and Mr. Obama, a man of great intelligence who has only the common good of humankind in his heart. The inability of the right to understand our president is a sickness.

      • gator69 says:

        You forgot the sarc tag.

        • Greg Locke says:

          Even though I’m not a regular, I hope I post enough for y’all to realize the sarcasm tag was implied. That being said, I don’t know what the tag looks like.

      • Lawrence13 says:

        You know ever since that film set in a Japanese prison of war camp and set at Christmas .I always get called Mr Lawrence.

        I blame David Bowie, mind you he lived just down the road to me in Beckenham SE London.

  5. Bob Greene says:

    Unfortunately, America’s credibility is linked to the president’s credibility. Elections have consequences.

  6. Lawrence13 says:

    Eric Rignot of Nasa said this!!

    “The Antarctic has not been warming up as fast as the models thought. It’s warming up, but slower. So it’s all consistent with a warming planet”.

    This is a new world where all hitherto human response from people we trust to have principles and integrity have now been turned on their head.

    It’s bizarre, totally bizarre, how this idiot (and increasingly others)can like he says above after years of bleating one mantra the tell outright lies that when it doesn’t go to plan that’s they were expecting that to happen all the time.

    Most of us would fully be aware we’d said one thing repeatedly and when it didn’t happen we’d expected to be called out on it and hold our hands up and say yep you’re right it didn’t go to plan .

    Not these people though they appear to have an arrogance beyond belief.

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