Another Massive Hansen Fail From The 1980s

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – May 24, 1989

ScreenHunter_108 Sep. 02 20.55

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette – Google News Archive Search

The data shows nothing even vaguely resembling what Hansen predicted. Summers during the 1990s were very close to the mean, and the summer of 1993 was the coolest on record.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Another Massive Hansen Fail From The 1980s

  1. It really annoys me that James Hansen’s “Goddard Institute of Space Studies” continues to be funded while the useful parts of NASA are being shut down. We have major layoffs here in the Cape Canaveral area.

  2. bkivey says:

    “. . . the country’s foremost authority on the greenhouse global warming effect.”
    Has anyone, anyone, bothered to point out that Hansen is an authority on the Venusian atmosphere, which has nothing to do with Earth’s atmosphere. His attempt to transfer the Venusian model to Earth is a classic, expensive, and destructive example of the ‘every problem a nail’ mindset.

  3. chris y says:

    Notice Hansen said “…hottest they’ve had in the past 30 years.”

    Hansen obviously had already plotted the data you show, up to 1989. Like a slimy political hack, he chose to compare with temperatures back to only 1960. He also obviously chose to ignore the much higher temperatures in the 1930’s. I thought Hansen started misrepresenting things after his predictions starting swirling in the bowl. Apparently, he was misrepresenting The Nature of Things (h/t David Suzuki) long before that.

    Hansen is a pimple on the ass of science.

  4. Bob Greene says:

    I think he underestimated the chances I’d have on hot, sweltering summers. The chance was pretty close to 100% when I lived in Michigan and 100% when I moved to Richmond.

  5. Justa Joe says:

    New Jersey must be protected at all costs… to hell with anyplace else

  6. Don says:

    Re-posted on Defending The Truth dot com. Oh what some say about the data. Actually, they don’t but attack Steve, who is the messenger. And myself, proudly called a “denier”.

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