Australia Humiliates Barack Obama’s Welsh Girlfirend

In yet another blow to the community organizer’s fragile ego, Australia announces that the Flat Earth Society has won the debate after all.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Australia Humiliates Barack Obama’s Welsh Girlfirend

  1. Climatism says:

    Hehe classic!
    Yes, BIG swings nationwide against the Greens and Labor (virtual coalition) especially in Tasmania (Greens HQ) where they were both savaged – proving Australian voters are OVER the alarmist climate fear-mongering and air-tax rubbish.
    Labor won their lowest primary since WW2.

  2. ozspeaksup says:

    umm..bit OLD news mate, she got knifed by the bloke she knifed first…weeks back
    now he..has been OUSTED! lections today and boy did they lose BigTime:-)
    Aus celebrates.
    rather soon Carbon Tax to be removed and a LOT lets hope almost all of the greenshite scammer rules regs and govvy seatwarmer jobs will be Vacant and NOT hiring again. defunct no more gone
    Just Like KRudd and his crew.
    handy is also the fact our OS bloke wont be able to sign us into crappy deals with USSA concerning syrian bombing etc.
    he was looking to assist….idiot.

  3. Lawrence13 says:

    Great result and Jo Nova will be out of a job for while but it’ll give her time to get over the partying..

    As for St Green Tim -load of old -Flannellry, Cooke , and all those other antipodean eco lefties, why there won’t be enough medication and counselling in the world that will ease their pain it’s ruined Goldenberg and Monbiot’s week here in the UK

  4. SMS says:

    Just got up and found my wife celebrating. She’s Aussie and a bit proud of her countrymen today. KRudd is out and Port Power won.

  5. scizzorbill says:

    I figured OZ was lost to the leftoids. Now, things are looking up. Congratulations and watch your backsides.

  6. nigelf says:

    Great result Australians, now drive the stake through the heart of this Malthusian death cult known as AGW (humans are a disease on the planet).

  7. The happiest day of my life this year!! the Fabian Leftist Labor yobbos were trounced decisively, the country will now slowly get back on its feet!!!

  8. Justa Joe says:

    I don’t expect that this election will be discussed much by the lame stream. I’m sure that the media will interpret that to cover the Aussie election may give the USA public harmful ideas like opposing the Green agenda.

  9. roger says:

    Well done OZ!
    Now only the UK believe the lie of the century and we get to vote against our truffling idiots and the politbureau in Brussels next May.
    Vote UKIP and bloody all their noses.

  10. edonthewayup says:

    Reblogged this on Edonurwayup's Blog and commented:

  11. gator69 says:

    Very happy for, and proud of my upside down brethren, disgusted by my own countrymen. I’ll have to pick up some Fosters and toast the Big Island. 😉

  12. Jeffk says:

    Great news! This bodes very well for our 2014 midterms. Voters by then will be sick of Obama-Dem platform and policies even more than now.

  13. stephen says:

    from an AUSTRALIAN to the our friends in the USA you little bloody beauty.

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