Australia Takes The Lead In Combating The Climate Mafia

Mr Abbott says he will immediately instruct the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to prepare legislation to repeal the carbon tax.

He also says incoming treasurer Joe Hockey will instruct the board of the Clean Energy Corporation to cease operations.

It is also expected that the Climate Change Authority and the Climate Commission will be abolished.

Tony Abbott to have carbon tax repeal legislation drawn up immediately after being sworn in – Yahoo!7

Hopefully Australia’s success will give Americans the courage to stand up to the criminals running the US.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Australia Takes The Lead In Combating The Climate Mafia

  1. Don says:

    Joe Hockey, rather appropriate, eh!

  2. Let the dominos start to fall.

  3. mike says:

    More air time to McCain and the likes is simply going to cause more lost elections. It’s time the Republicans looked for a leader similar to Abbott and restore the US to being the world leader in doing business.

  4. mike says:

    Green collar carbon shake down targetting big business is under way, as individual countries pull back from the carbon scam.

  5. slimething says:

    Maybe Australia will take the lead in gun ownership too. Doubtful, but worth the thought.

  6. Lazlo says:

    In breaking news this morning (Oz time): within two hours of being sworn in the Abbott government has shown several senior bureaucrats the door, including two former heads of the Department of Climate change. The games have begun..

  7. Justa Joe says:

    It would be great if the House Republicans could invite this guy to speak before Congress. It would do wonders to counter the typical lib line that the USA is “out of step” with the rest of the globe, who are fully vested in the climate con.

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