Basic Physics For Progressives

CO2 traps heat, so adding more CO2 will trap even more heat. Eventually the earth becomes uninhabitable.

Using this ingenious logic :

  • If one window shade makes the room completely dark, then two window shades will make the room twice as dark
  • If one goalkeeper stops 98% of shots on goal, then two goalkeepers will stop 196% of shots.
  • If one progressive has an IQ of 30, then two progressives will have an IQ of 60

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Basic Physics For Progressives

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    Yea right! 2 will have an IQ of 60? Only if one is Octomom and is pregnant with 8 kids.

  2. Bob Greene says:

    2 is square root of 30, 3 is cube root

  3. Andy DC says:

    Your last one made me laugh!

  4. SMS says:

    Whoa there……………let’s not give too much credit to the brain dead party.

  5. Rosco says:

    No one has ever really explained how CO2 traps heat.

    It absorbs IR, as well as conduction, becomes warmer, rises and then cools at high altitudes.

    It is a gas at all ambient temperatures known on Earth and therefore there is no latent heat of phase change.

    The whole atmosphere warms up in one way or another, the whole atmosphere rises when warmed and then cools at high altitudes.

    How is that trapping heat ?

    And if it is the whole atmosphere needs to be purged to save us !

    • Jimbo says:

      You, sir, are hereby branded a global warming HERETIC!! Suggest you leave town, ‘cuz Saint Algore and Bishop Michael “the schtick” Mann will be dropping by your abode to “get your mind right”…

    • Andy Oz says:

      Gold star.

    • tom0mason says:

      It’s because CO2 acts like a greenhouse?

      The “Greenhouse Effect” is defined by Arrhenius’ (1896) modification of Pouillet’s backradiation idea “Greenhouse Effect” may seem confused when compared to one another. In the first year university geology text by Press & Siever (1982, p. 312) read:

      “The atmosphere is relatively transparent to the incoming visible rays of the Sun. Much of that radiation is absorbed at the Earth’s surface and then reemitted as infrared, invisible long-wave rays that radiate back away from the surface (Fig. 12-14). The atmosphere, however, is relatively opaque and impermeable to infrared rays because of the combined effect of clouds and carbon dioxide, which strongly absorbs the radiation instead of allowing it to escape into space. This absorbed radiation heats the atmosphere, which radiates heat back to the Earth’s surface. This is called the ‘greenhouse effect’ by analogy to the warming of greenhouses, whose glass is the barrier to heat loss.”

      Or Whitaker (2007, pp. 17-18), which lacks the misplaced 19th century usage:

      “The incoming solar radiation that the earth absorbs is re-emitted in the form of so-called infra-red radiation – this is where the vital ‘greenhouse effect’ begins. Because of the chemical structure of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, they absorb the infra-red radiation from the Earth, and then emit it, into space and back into the atmosphere. The atmospheric re-emission helps heat the surface of the Earth – as well as the lower atmosphere – and keeps us warm.”

      Frankland (1864) and Tyndall (1867):

      “The Earth’s temperature had moderated because the atmosphere was rich in carbon dioxide and water vapour created a greenhouse.”

      The above quotes demonstrate a confusing array of “Greenhouse Effect” definitions, including the first one which seems to contradict itself. Plimer (2009, p. 365) really describes this situation very well when he writes:

      “Everyone knows what the greenhouse effect is. Well … do they? Ask someone to explain how the greenhouse effect works. There is an extremely high probability that they have no idea. What really is the greenhouse effect? The use of the term ‘greenhouse effect’ is a complete misnomer. Greenhouses or glasshouses are used for increasing plant growth, especially in colder climates. A greenhouse eliminates convective cooling, the major process of heat transfer in the atmosphere, and protects the plants from frost.”

      (Selected quotes from )

      An ugly theory killed by beautiful facts.

    • Jason Calley says:

      Hey Rosco! You say “It is a gas at all ambient temperatures known on Earth and therefore there is no latent heat of phase change.”

      This is not a correction so much as an extension: there actually are places on earth where CO2 is NOT a gas. Those places? In some of the deep oceans, there are pools of liquid CO2. The temperatures there are barely above zero, but the pressures are so great that pools of CO2 form in the low spots. I have seen a few videos on Youtube of research submarines visiting such places.

      I wonder, what on Earth would happen is the oceans warmed by even one degree? Certainly some of that CO2 would outgas. Perhaps the 800 year lag of CO2 behind temperature is due to the lag for slightly warmed water to circulate to the deep deep CO2 pools.

    • RAVerhoeckx says:

      CO 2 is a trace gas in the atmosphere 0.38% and insignifigant by definition. It is a poor absorber of IP from sunlight. On the other hand water vapour is seven times better, molecule for molecule, and has 80times as many molecules making 560 times the air heating effect. But, carbon is responsible for 80% of our energy. Control and taxing carbon will givw the elected class and the phycopaths more power than anything since the Magna Carta. The real science is that heat created CO 2 not CO 2 creates heat. Remember heat always moves to cold. So no matter what the scenerio, it will always get colder.

  6. Andy Oz says:

    Progressives believe in many things that are not real.

  7. Jason Calley says:

    “If one progressive has an IQ of 30, then two progressives will have an IQ of 60”

    If one progessive has an IQ 30 below normal, then two progressives have an IQ 60 below normal.
    There, fixed that for you…

    Seriously, humans in general (and no, not just progressives!) will believe stunningly stupid things when in groups, things that none of them would believe when by themselves. There have been actual experiments where otherwise rational people will support flaming idiocies if their peers say it is so.

  8. tom0mason says:

    John Coleman set the record straight for AlGore

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