Biblical Event In Fort Collins

The CSU football team won a game yesterday, which experts say happens about once every thirty centuries.

Note that yesterday’s climate refugees have moved out of Hughes Stadium Parking lot this morning.

ScreenHunter_597 Sep. 15 12.50

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Biblical Event In Fort Collins

  1. gator69 says:

    Was it a football game, or a lottery? 😉

  2. squid2112 says:

    Perhaps an investment into SCUBA futures?

    Steve, I can understand your feelings about this situation, perfectly. I was living in Fargo, ND during the 1996/1997 “Flood of the Millennium” (which it was). Ever since then, about ever other year when Fargo floods, the MSM are proclaiming “flooding of biblical proportions”. If you look back through the reporting of Fargo flooding by the MSM, you will see a clear cut pattern to what is currently taking place in Colorado. I dare say, it is probably simply a cut & paste job with most of it. Sorry you have to endure, it is aggravating to say the least.

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