No Hesitation : Charlotte Police Kill Unarmed Man Looking For Help

An unarmed man who may have been looking for help after a vehicle wreck was shot and killed by a police officer Saturday as he ran toward him, police said.

Unarmed man, possibly looking for help after wreck, shot by police – CBS News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to No Hesitation : Charlotte Police Kill Unarmed Man Looking For Help

  1. Andy DC says:

    With so many guns out there and so many criminals, the police are paranoid, maybe somewhat justifiably. I almost got shot when I tried to get out of my car after being stopped. My offense, I was driving with my handicapped placard attached to my rear view mirror!

  2. Andy Oz says:

    I’m speechless. I was gonna make a joke about it but the cops should be sacked forthwith and the State pay compensation to the family and relatives. Israel has had to pay $1.2 million for killing an Aussie citizen in jail. Sounds like a reasonable number.

  3. EW3 says:

    One thing I’ve seen over the last few decades is that cops no longer keep their weapons in their holster. It used to be don’t draw your weapon unless you were going to use it. Now it seems that they draw for the least reason. Once the weapon is drawn it’s a much shorter leap to firing it.

    Watching the cops run around Watertown MA with their weapons drawn after the marathon bombing made my blood run cold. They were pointing them at anyone and everyone, looked like the gunfight at the OK coral. I do not like having a gun pointed at me.

  4. Dan Kurt says:

    Read and watched the linked video. It appears that the man killed 1) crashed his car: a single car accident (Why?); 2) survived a Tasering and kept coming; 3) This all happened circa 2 a.m.
    My questions:
    Was the dead man DRUNK and/or on DRUGS?
    Will this become the next Travon Martin circus?

    Dan Kurt

  5. terrence says:

    From the article linked to – “The officer was later charged with voluntary manslaughter.” So, it is obvious the people closest to this manslaughter do NOT attribute any fault the dead victim.

  6. Gamecock says:

    I didn’t think Char-Meck officers could shoot. I thought they just scraped by on their annual qualification, and then didn’t shoot again until the next year.

  7. Don says:

    The police are now paramilitary. The phony war on drugs and the war on terror have lead to this. They no longer Protect and Serve, as we saw in Sandy Hook when they stood around protecting themselves. In old America men rushed in, now they shoot from the hip at unarmed civilians. Few of these LEO’s ever face criminal charges, very, very few.

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