Christians Fleeing Their Homes Ahead Of Obama’s Rebel Army

ScreenHunter_359 Sep. 08 06.46

Foreign-backed al-Qaeda-linked terrorists fighting the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad have gained control over the Christian village of Maalula, reports say.

According to the so-called Syrian Observatory as well as the residents of the historic town located some 70 kilometers northeast of the capital, Damascus, the militants are currently in control of the entire village. 

The British-based group said the militants have sent reinforcement to the area, forcing Syrian Army to leave the mountain village.

“The rebels are inside Maalula, all of Maalula. The government troops have pulled out of Maalula,” a resident said on condition of anonymity.

The reports come after days of clashes between Syrian army forces and militants mostly from the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front in the Christian village.

Many of the town’s 5,000 Aramaic-speaking residents have fled their homes since the militants, known for killing minorities, arrived in the area.

PressTV – Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists gain control of Syrian Christian town: Reports

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Christians Fleeing Their Homes Ahead Of Obama’s Rebel Army

  1. Edward. says:

    Barry throws in a few bombs to help Al-Nusra/Al qaeda, a few thousand Christains die, I mean who cares about the Christians man? Certainly no one in the West does, hell our government hates Christians born and existing here in Britain.

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