City Of Fort Collins Claims Of Record Stream Flow Were Due To An Equipment Malfunction

The City of Fort Collins and the local newspaper have made all kinds of claims of record stream flow and 1,000 year floods.

The record stream flow claim was based on a faulty flood gauge. Note the equipment malfunction on September 13.

ScreenHunter_608 Sep. 15 21.18


Originally it looked like this, showing 14.5 feet – but it never got above 10.5 feet.

ScreenHunter_518 Sep. 13 03.38

The 1,000 year flood claim was just the usual global warming bullshit from NOAA. According to USGS it was a 100 year flood, not a 1,000 year flood.

Longstanding rainfall records were swept away in what an official with the United States Geological Survey late Thursday confirmed was for Boulder a 100-year flood

100-year-flood: Boulder rainfall records swamped in dueling weather systems – Boulder Daily Camera

Will these bogus claims be retracted?  Not likely, because global warming misinformation never gets retracted.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to City Of Fort Collins Claims Of Record Stream Flow Were Due To An Equipment Malfunction

  1. I vaguely recall that my local TV media reported that things had not been this bad for at least 30 years.

  2. crosspatch says:

    They get a 100 year flood about every 20-30 years around there. It is time they re-examined what they call a 100 year flood.

    • Bill says:

      100 year flood really means that there is a 1% chance in a given year of that type of event. I think I have read (due to my experience with Katrina in N.O.) that the actual occurrence of something with a 1% chance is about once every 30 years. Can’t remember why but I have seen that figure.

  3. Latimer Alder says:

    How long have people lived in Boulder? Did they understand why the town is so-named?

  4. Jimmy Haigh says:

    Every claim that’s ever been made on AGW is bogus.

  5. gator69 says:

    Looks like a ‘Mannfunction’ to me.

  6. The media beats things up? When the hell did they start doing that? 😉

  7. Mary says:

    Dr. John Christy explained the confusion surrounding the ‘100 year flood’, as a 1% probability in any given year. His post was yesterday, and he also said the city of Boulder was warned in 2008 about the effects of such heavy rainfall. It wasn’t surprising, as civil engineers had studied the situation in order to consider amelioration projects….

    Some places are dangerous. The coast of California, especially San Francisco, has a ‘100%’ probability of the San Andreas fault breaking loose, as the Pacific is surrounded by fault lines along which the earth slips. Predicting when is always the problem, although seismologists have mapped the effects and damages when it happens.

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