Climate Alarmists Caught In Their Own Squeeze Play – With No Way Out

The IPCC wants to bury the last 15 years cooling, and instead focus on the long term trend.

I’m happy to play that game. Let’s look at the entire hockey stick – going back to 1850. It indicates 0.7C warming over the past 163 years, which extrapolates to a laughable 0.38C warming for the rest of the century.

Either way, alarmists are completely screwed. The scam is dead and they have it on life-support.

ScreenHunter_80 Sep. 02 09.25


Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Climate Alarmists Caught In Their Own Squeeze Play – With No Way Out

  1. Doug M says:

    Long term? Why not go back 1000 years? Now there’s a long term trend for ya … no trend!

  2. Chewer says:

    Their propping up a zombie for display at this point and the arms, legs and head are rotted to the point of falling off-:)

  3. F. Guimaraes says:

    We’re still in a transition stage with residual heat from the warming of last century, but the “game” will become much more funny in a couple of years when the cooling trend accelerate,
    “… the period from now to 2017 is a “preconditioning” phase, so to speak..sort of like a chaotic equilibrium. I think once past 2017, (+/- 1yr) we’ll begin enter a new regime which will include the next -AMO, a significant drop in global temperatures, and a warming of the Antarctic.”

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    Oh, but the fear mongering loons will say, “yes, yet most of that trend after 1863 occurred at a time when CO2 was lower! So, the 21st century is going to see accelerated warming because CO2 is higher now!”

    Well, well, well, let’s use that warmist’s own words to sink the whole CO2 GHE scam. I know that Anthony Watts and all says the Greenhouse Effect is real, that we have “established physics” supporting the GHE, but look at the WoodForTrees chart above, and we see that since circa 1900 the rate of temperature increase has remained the same, in the lower CO2 period, and the more recent higher CO2. The rate is exactly or near exactly the same. Higher CO2 causes no change.

    CO2 is doing… nothing.

    So how can we still support the GHE as postulated by the leftist propagandists? (Oh, I meant “scientists” not propagandists, like the activist Berkeley grad Michael Mann who is constantly being seen hobnobbing with the most incorrigible leftists in congress.) Back on track here: there’s no evidence that CO2 does anything. There’s just a theoretical model, but competing theoretical models maintain that CO2 has close to zero effect after 200ppm. It seems that those competing models are correct, because CO2 is obviously doing nothing.

    And check out this key 3 minute video exposing Al Gore for repeating the IPCC bs on CO2:

  5. SMS says:

    Let’s take a closer look at that chart again. Where is the correction for UHI? And those phony adjustments……………let’s get rid of them. What’s left? A pretty good picture of the PDO. And we are probably colder today than we were in the early 40’s.

    Only a complete idiot would believe in CAGW.

  6. Phil Jones says:

    Charts like this should always be accompanied by your Data Tampering and Hansen the Chiropractor charts… If the 1930’s really had higher temps… We are just currently part of a cycle… Not a permanent upward trend…

    This chart gives Alarmists something to believe in… The pause will end and those 400,000 Hiroshima bombs per second of trapped heat will reveal themselves… At midnight on the next solstice… Yea, yea, ..

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