Colorado Permanent Drought Update

Study: Climate change may force skiers uphill

Associated Press Tuesday, December 16, 2008

DENVER — A study of two Rocky Mountain ski resorts says climate change will mean shorter seasons and less snow on lower slopes.

Skiing at Aspen, with an average temperature 8.6 degrees higher than now, will be marginal.

Study: Climate change may force skiers uphill | Aspen Daily News Online

Lots of snow and rain overnight.

ScreenHunter_840 Sep. 23 04.36

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Colorado Permanent Drought Update

  1. Gamecock says:

    “If carbon emissions increase, the average temperature at Park City will be 10.4 degrees warmer by 2100”

    This dude still has a job?

    • Andy DC says:

      You can’t prove them wrong either. Just like I can’t disprove that in 2100 that the earth won’t be inhabited by little green men from Pluto.

  2. Colorado Wellington says:

    Climate Change May Be Easing Devastating 2012 Drought
    Bobby Magill, Climate Central Published: Aug 19, 2013, 4:23 PM EDT

    The intensity of the rainfall causing the drought to ease in some parts of the country fits with many climate change models, said Richard Heim, meteorologist for the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C.

    But Colorado is an example of what is extraordinary about how the weather this summer has affected the drought in parts of the West. Colorado, which suffered badly from the 2012 drought, received less rain — 2.47 inches — this July than the 2.84 inches it received during the drought in July 2012, but cooler, more humid conditions this year have meant that the rainfall the state received this summer allowed the moisture to soak into the soil and more effectively prevented evaporation than the monsoon rains the state received during the high heat of 2012.

    “In the last 100 years, we’ve seen an increase in the heavier precipitation amounts and a decrease in the lighter precipitation amounts,” [Heim] said. “That fits in with the climate models.”

    I know that according to the models it will get either warmer and wetter or cooler and drier here because Colorado is on the boundary between the two climate change affected areas but now I see it can get cooler and more humid. I hope it can also get hotter and drier sometimes. That would be like sauna. I have Finnish friends and they like it. I just like variety and having all the options. I also like it when it all fits in with the models.

  3. Pathway says:

    Durango received 1.66″ of rain yesterday. Imagine what that means in terms of snow at 10,000 feet.

  4. Roy_Beans says:

    But, but, we have proof that AGW is causing disasters in Colorado and elsewhere. AGW or climate change causes forest fires! Proof right here:
    As NASA promotes the Islamic contributions to science they should look to forest fires and the science used there.

  5. This is one of my favourite eco-worrier arguments. Let’s bankrupt the global economy because otherwise wealthier people will be inconvenienced when they wish to go skiing.

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