Colorado Permanent Drought Update : Boulder Shatters Its Wettest Day And Month Records


Boulder has set a record for its wettest 24-hour period. Ever.

Prior to Wednesday, the single wettest day on record was July 31, 1919, when 4.80 inches of rain were recorded, according to Bob Henson, a science writer at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Henson said that the latest official readings for Boulder show that from 6 p.m. Wednesday to 9:15 a.m. today, 7.21 inches of rain have fallen in Boulder, with amounts likely varying from a bit lower in northeast areas of the city to higher than that to the southwest.

Additionally, the last three days of rain are more than Boulder has experienced in any month on record.

Since the rain kicked in late Monday afternoon, Boulder has recorded 9.61 inches of rain, topping the 9.59 inches recorded in the entire month of May 1995.

Boulder registers wettest 24-hour period, and month, on record – Boulder Daily Camera

Earlier this year, global warming and the permanent drought brought Boulder record cold and its snowiest month on record.

April 29, 2013

April has been a freakishly cold month across much of the northern USA, bringing misery to millions of sun-starved and winter-weary residents from the Rockies to the Midwest.

Record cold and snow has been reported in dozens of cities, with the worst of the chill in the Rockies, upper Midwest and northern Plains. Several baseball games have been snowed out in both Denver and Minneapolis.

Cities such as Rapid City, S.D.; Duluth, Minn.; and Boulder, Colo., have all endured their snowiest month ever recorded. (In all three locations, weather records go back more than 100 years.) In fact, more than 1,100 snowfall records and 3,400 cold records have been set across the nation so far in April, according to the National Climatic Data Center.

Awful April: Spring hard to find across northern USA

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Colorado Permanent Drought Update : Boulder Shatters Its Wettest Day And Month Records

  1. Kepler says:

    These extreme flooding events were obviously caused by man-made climate change. That is what you will hear any second now.

  2. Streetcred says:

    This is all consistent with the CAGW predictions, hot cold dry wet … and lots of it changing constantly, just ask Al !

  3. jack b :-) says:

    Y’all better tuck all that wet stuff away that you can before the new Mexico socialists steal it all – like they did to us in Texas when they drained the Rio Grande. ofc our beloved governor at the time, ann richards, let them pay a dinky little fine instead of taking water in kind (the feds offered her either choice). We’ve been out of water ever since, but we’ve got plenty of dinero. lol

  4. Andy Oz says:

    That is rotten decayed flooding which is why Colorado is still in drought.

  5. @njsnowfan says:

    Move that rain west and Lake Mead would fill up fast.

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