Confused, Deluded, Mentally Disordered President Shows “Primacy”

I have a pretty high tolerance, but this is almost enough to get my barf bag out.

At the Last Minute, Obama Alone Made Call to Seek Congressional Approval

After a 45-minute walk Friday night, President Barack Obama made a fateful decision that none of his top national security advisers saw coming: To seek congressional authorization before taking military action in Syria.

Aides said the decision was made by Mr. Obama and Mr. Obama alone. It shows the primacy the president places on protecting his hoped-for legacy as a commander in chief who did everything in his power to disentangle the U.S. from overseas wars. Until Friday night, Mr. Obama’s national-security team didn’t even have an option on the table to seek a congressional authorization.

Mr. Obama made no secret to aides he felt uncomfortable acting without U.N. Security Council backing

The US Constitution actually says that only Congress has the authority to start wars – not the UN Security Council and not the president. You would think that a Constitutional law scholar like Obama might have actually read the Constitution at some point in his life.

At the Last Minute, Obama Alone Made Call to Seek Congressional Approval –

In other words : our imbecile dictator, who is forbidden by law to start a war, suffered yet another synapse malfunction.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Confused, Deluded, Mentally Disordered President Shows “Primacy”

  1. omnologos says:

    Actually, by ignoring at last all the cretin advice he’s been receiving by the Inner Circle, he may have displayed the very first sign of cerebral activity 😉

  2. Latitude says:

    he’s just a very weak person…..trying to act tuff

  3. Mike D says:

    This is a ruse. What he’s looking for is an excuse not to do anything, which he will likely get. When the body count continues to rise in Syria, he wants to be the one to claim he wanted to act, but was prevented from doing so. The worst case for him would be if he received approval, because his plan is awful.

    He was completely played by Syria and Russia, who can see that he’s all talk. Of course he shouldn’t do anything, but he also shouldn’t have drawn any red line in the first place. But then again, he had used humanitarian reasons to pile onto the NATO action against Qaddafi, but Syria was in the same situation, so he got boxed into saying Assad had to go as well.

    If he was serious about democracy in the Middle East, he would have said something when Iranians were getting killed in the street in their protests of their elections. Yet he basically said, the Iranians have to work out who their leaders are. That was of course when he had that naive “extend a hand” policy toward Iran, to which he received a raised finger back for the last several years.

  4. Jimbo says:

    Once again, barry 0blamea, the incompetent arrogant amateur narcissistic community organizer has found a way to vote “PRESENT” by punting the decision to Congress, whom he will BLAME whatever the outcome…
    Recall in the bin Laden operation, he had Norman Paneta HAND WRITEW a letter that ensured the blame would land on a Navy Admiral if the operation failed…

    You can take the thug out of Chicago, but you can’t take Chicago out of the THUG.

  5. Norm says:

    Thirty minutes after his announcement Obama headed for the golf course. Nothing like putting a little ball in a hole after fucking around with world peace and millions of lives. I had to use the barf bag.

  6. jack b :-) says:

    I’m guessing a side deal on either obamacare or illegal immigration has occurred. He’ll use any leverage at his disposal to get his way on one – or both – of those.

    He’s a master baiter…

  7. nomoregore says:

    Obungler the tragic clown has no strategy because he’s too lazy to prepare one. He’s fumbling with one crisis after another. It would be best for all concerned if he drove his golf cart into a pond full of Alligators….with Biden in the passenger seat.

  8. Larry Fields says:

    Now Barry is seeking Congressional approval for his proposed war of choice in Syria? That’s damned white of him.

  9. Jerry says:

    The consensus among people I chat with was that the President would go to Congress. Congress would say “no.” Then Obama can say he wanted to but respects the law.

    Either it’s more puff press bullshit about the Prez or his advisors are blithering morons.

  10. Perry says:

    Speak softly & carry a big stick, but instead, Blabbermouth Barry yapped off & all he has in his hand is a floppy dick.

    How more than half the American voters settled for another 4 years of this cretin’s machinations is beyond me? Could it be down to population replacement? That’s what happened in Europe 1600 years ago.

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