Could Eric Holthaus Have Prevented Hurricane Sandy By Not Getting On An Airplane?

ScreenHunter_1099 Sep. 29 21.08

Who is Eric Holthaus, and why did he give up flying today? | SciGuy | a blog

What I see in Eric is another Al Gore type entrepreneur,  who has detected a large group of extremely stupid people who deserve to be separated from their money.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Could Eric Holthaus Have Prevented Hurricane Sandy By Not Getting On An Airplane?

  1. mike says:

    Eric Holthaus, the guy that’s had a lobotomy and wants a vasectomy.

    Let’s crowds fund the vasectomy.

  2. Justa Joe says:

    I’m sure Eric will justify his flying on the basis of the very important work he must do in order to “save the planet.” I had a feeling that this guy was promoting some climate alarm based future enterprise. Show me a self styled climate crusader, and I’ll show you somebody with his hand in the cookie jar financially.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Eric is acting like an old Nellie and he needs to grow a pair. The world has faced (and is facing) far worse problems that a degee or so of warming.

  4. John B., M.D. says:

    Crowdsourcing weather observations feeds the “observation bias” problem which has already increased with the internet, 24 hr news, and ubiquitous cell phone videos and pictures.

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