Counting The True Cost Of Hansen’s Carbon Insanity

Mindless fear of CO2 has led many governments to spend vast amounts of money and make many devastatingly stupid decisions – like Obama wrecking the US coal industry and the UK nearing energy blackouts. How many poor and old people will freeze to death because of the lies being spread by climate snake oil salesmen and their sponsors in government?

Corals evolved in the seas with CO2 levels 20X current levels, and now climate experts tell us that small increases in CO2 will dissolve coral. Did these people actually make it past third grade?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Counting The True Cost Of Hansen’s Carbon Insanity

  1. scizzorbill says:

    ‘past 3rd grade’? Yes,thanks to no child left behind

  2. David says:

    Actually to much education evidently rots your brain. I know several doctors and engineers that believe this tripe.

  3. Thinking of organizing a rock concert called “Denier Aid.” Or maybe “Taxpayer Aid” or “Coal Aid” to support the trillion dollars taxpayers have lost to this scam financing the UN etc. Unlike the greens, who have Farm Aid and other “Save the Planet” concerts and put all the money in their pocket, I’ll actually give the money to……no I’ll put it in my pocket too. Cannot tell a lie.

  4. mkelly says:

    Steve here is another storm I haven’t seen on your pages yet.

    Less than 350 ppm.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    There is much more to the carbon madness than money alone.

    It’s the justification for deindustrialization and reduction in power production and power generation resulting in the strangulation of our economies who in the end will not be able to support their current populations.

    To know the current policy of deindustrialization and reduction of energy will result into a slaughter house doesn’t take rocket science.
    All one has to do is take a look at the history, starting with
    WW II which in 1943 saw the Morgenthau Plan surface as a permanent solution to disable Germany’s capacity to wage war.

    “The plan’s program, the memorandum concluded, “is looking forward to converting Germany into a country primarily agricultural and pastoral in its character.”[2]
    News of the existence of the plan was leaked to the press.[3] President Roosevelt’s response to press inquiries was to deny the press reports.[4]
    In wartime Germany, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels was able to use the plan to bolster the German resistance on the Western front.[5]

    In occupied Germany, the thinking behind the Morgenthau plan was reflected in the U.S. occupation directive JCS 1067[6][7] and in the Allied Industrial plans for Germany aimed at “industrial disarmament”,[7] designed to reduce German economic might and to destroy Germany’s capability to wage war by complete or partial deindustrialization and restrictions imposed on utilization of remaining production capacity. By 1950, after the virtual completion of the by then much watered-down “level of industry” plans, equipment had been removed from 706 manufacturing plants in the west and steel production capacity had been reduced by 6,700,000 tons.[8]
    Partly for the sake of lowering German standards, restrictions were also enacted on food relief imports.
    According to some historians the U.S. government formally abandoned the Morgenthau plan as promoted occupation-policy in September 1946 with Secretary of State James F. Byrnes’ speech Restatement of Policy on Germany.[9]

    Unhappy with the Morgenthau-plan consequences, former U.S. President Herbert Hoover remarked in a report dated 18 March 1947:
    “There is the illusion that the New Germany left after the annexations can be reduced to a ‘pastoral state’. It cannot be done unless we exterminate or move 25,000,000 people out of it.” [10]
    It is argued that it was Hoover’s March 1947 statements in his report that led to the end of the Morgenthau plan and to a change in U.S. policy.[10][not in citation given]

    In the seventies, after the Club of Rome produced her “doom report” about the future of human kind and the ecology of the planet, not being able to sustain unlimited population growth due to pollution and lack of resources, the UN again pulled the concept of deindustrialization from the shelf again resulting in the 1975 Lima Declaration:

    Because earlier treaties like the 1933 treaty of Montevideo (about a frame work of responsibilities of Nations) and the UN declaration of Human Rights have created a legal framework of human rights, protection from Government violence and the punishment of those responsible for genocide, the establishment had to find a way to escape any legal consequences of a structural reduction of the world population. The economic collapse of the Global Economy, creating a situation of absolute chaos and the creation of a “higher moral argument (Saving the Planet) read “Green Agenda, Agenda 21, have created the basis for a planned genocide of mind boggling proportions.

    The fact that UN papers describe the use of euthanasia in order to prevent further “pain and suffering” of those who have become “obsolete or starving” speaks for its self.

    It is no accident that the UN chapter of Human Rights is under siege from Islamic member states and it is no accident that the establishment has allowed Islamic extremism to advance western immigration policies and by the planned process of “replacement of government” as we observed in countries like Iraq, Libya, Tunis and Egypt and the western support of the Muslim Brotherhood. All contribute to chaos and the collapse of the Western civilization

    There is absolutely no limit to the evil mind set of those in power and those of you who still believe that the atrocities committed by the the regimes from Stalin, Hitler, Mao and Pol-Pot during times of war but also during times of peace, have been the darkest events in history of human kind, think twice.

    Our darkest day’s are still ahead of us.

    Never in the history of human kind there have been so many means available to exterminate people and never in the history of human kind there have been so many technological developments to control humanity and prevent opposition. Central control over all these assets by people with a dark and evil mindset, people who, despite a total lack of scientific evidence still believe human civilization and population growth is a cancer to the planet IMO is a guarantee for a pending genocide.
    As we have learned from the Morgenthau Plan the current policy of deindustrialization and the policy plans for continued reductions in energy consumption should be regarded as clear evidence of the real intentions of our current establishment as all these measures now have been casted into laws and regulations.

    The current process to corrupt science only underlines the process underway.

    The reality is that the doors of the next slaughterhouse already have opened.

    The knives have been sharpened, the guns and the ammunition has been produced and stored, the suppression machinery well trained and equipped, divide and rule doctrines in place and smoke curtains laid.

    The establishment has openly declared war on humanity and those who are bound to die soon still don’t get it.

    This won’t be a war with heroes. This will be an act of cold extermination where people will be fleeced from any human dignity.

    The status of people reduced to a status less than that of a chicken in a factory farm.

    If we fail to change the mindset of the current powers in control of the UN and our Governments, if we fail to restore the process of corruption of science, the corruption of our “free” press, the corruption of our financial institutions, if we fail to defeat the current political leadership of our nations, who stopped representing the interest of their people a long time ago and if we continue to accept the continuing process destroying our privacy, our civil rights and the constitutions of our nations, we’re done.

    The gun has been fired, the bullet is underway…

    Time is running out quickly.

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