Day 666 : New Antarctic Theory

Scientists have recently theorized that warm air and water is causing Antarctic sea ice to expand. This makes sense if you have the IQ of a turnip, so I propose a different theory which makes slightly more sense.

Today marks 666 consecutive days of above normal Antarctic sea ice. It is clear that Antarctic ice is being jointly controlled by Satan and big oil. Their agenda is to fool the public into not understanding that earth is doomed unless they offer sacrifices to the one true Gaia.

ScreenHunter_766 Sep. 20 08.15

ScreenHunter_767 Sep. 20 08.23

September 19, 2013

According to a new poll, 57 percent of Americans believe that the devil exists.  Black people, 72 percent, and women, 61 percent, are most likely to believe that Satan is alive, according to the survey by YouGov.

Poll: 57 Percent of Americans Believe Devil Exists

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Day 666 : New Antarctic Theory

  1. gator69 says:

    47% approve of his handling of the economy.

  2. phodges says:

    Well someone controls and profits from the BIS…the IMF/World Bank…and the multitude of debt slavery central banks.

    And if you look on our bills, they are definitely not Christian or any other normal religion.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Can anybody here disprove there is a devil? Can anybody disprove that a climate model for 2100 might be correct?

    • Jason Calley says:

      I can disprove both of those with a very complicated model. Of course I can’t give you the data or show you the program; you would only try to find something wrong with them.

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